MN/WC Drawbar

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Southern Region
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MN/WC Drawbar

Post by Southern Region »

A long shot I know, but does anyone have a Hornby drawbar to fit Merchant Navy or West country kicking around. Cant get one for love or money from ANY internet supplier, part No. is X8846 Alan.

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Last edited by Southern Region on Sat May 16, 2020 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MN/WC Drawbar

Post by Bigmet »

First, in case it helps, this drawbar is not unique to MN/WC, X8846 was a standard spare for the great majority of Hornby tender locos early in their move to China. You could edit the thread title to something like 'Hornby X8846 draw bar assembly' which is Hornby's description on their diagram, so that people looking don't think MN/WC only.

Second, I definitely have some of these drawbars taken off models such as A3, A4, B17, Q1, 7P, 8F, 9F. But there's a problem in that they probably will not have the full length of the wires that Hornby would supply on their X8846 spare, as my removal method would typically be 'unscrew, snip, snip'. Now if that's OK for you, no problems, and when I have a moment (probably tomorrow) I will have a trawl of the 'bits and bobs' box and look for one with maximum wire attached.

But if you need the attached wires at least a minimum length for the loco it is going on, if I cannot find one in original condition, I can solder on the longest pieces of Hornby type wire I can find.
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