Tinwald is back!

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Tinwald is back!

Post by Phat Controller »

Hi Guys it's been a looooong time since I've contributed anything to these pages. I've had life get in the way! :D

A disastrous end to a relationship left my layout totally destroyed, by her "out of control", boisterous, entitled, pubescent, teenaged sons.

I'ts taken me years to get back into the hobby, as I had to concentrate on getting a new place to lay my head, and back into work as a soundtechnician/back of house manager. Apply to that a liberal dose of medical problems (saliva gland removed, gall bladder removed, then bowel cancer/stoma/chemotherpay) and we're up to the present day, with me waiting for yet another operation, to repair an incisional hernia, abdominal adhesions, and a groin hernia. (I thinks that's all!)

So whilst I've been recuperating, and have had some considerable time on my hands, I've started to create Tinwald 2.0.

It's a very fictional "roundy roundy" layout loosely based in the age between steam, and the first diesels (although some 1980's diesels do sneak in!)

Tinwald 2.0 has been created for fun, and most of the buildings are made from card, Metcalfe mostly, however I have scratch built some, and customised others, to fit my needs. There's a lot of landscaping and "concrete pads" around, as I like to use polystyrene, and am lucky enough to have a styrene table top hot wire cutter (that I purloined from work - shhhhh! :wink: )

It's also a conduit to release my creative juices, on modelling building,s landscaping, and weathering, as well as challenging myself on track laying and design - not that I'm saying I'm any good at ANY of that - I just challenge myself! (oh and make a mess all over the place!)

Tinwald has basically evolved out of me trying to do something with my "spare time".

I've been popping in now and then to read bits and pieces and have seen that a few of the "old faces" have gone for various reasons and a few of the old faces are still here (gawd bless you all) so I'm not saying I'll be regular, - but I'm back into modelling!

There are some pics I've loaded to see progress so far ...........









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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by glencairn »

Welcome back , Phat Controller. Glad you are 'back on track'.

The layout is looking good.

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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by End2end »

First of all, Welcome back. :)
I must say that's the best use of a 3 way point and the most scenic turntable I've ever seen! :o Brilliant!
Thanks for sharing the pictures and a speedy recovery to you Phat controller.
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Mountain »

I was looking at the turntable. Am I right in saying its a modified Hornby turntable?
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Bufferstop »

Welcome back Tony, the Phat Controller. I caught just the end of your previous regular postings, and it looks like you haven't let life and everything it throws at you get in the way of some serious modelling. Good for you, challenging yourself certainly seems to get results, eagerly awaiting more.

Best wishes
John W
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Dublo »

Wow, great layout thanks for posting piccies. Hope you have a lot more "spare time"
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Lysander »

Always enjoy seeing busy layouts, keep the photos coming!

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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Phat Controller »

Thanks Guys for the welcome back. It's been too long, and it is greatly appreciated.

My health has been improving, and I must say the bowel cancer was a big wake up call, and I'm unashamedly going to rant about it now! So the easily bored, or squeamish, please look away now.

I went into Hospital with abdominal pains thinking it was my pre-existing hernias, but after a ultra sound scan I was whisked up to the ward, from A&E, in the blink of an eye, prep'd for emergency surgery, and after signing a few forms, I woke up with a stoma bag hanging off the right side of my abdomen, and a row of 47 staples from just under my sternum, to below my belly button!! That was a shock in itself.

My surgeon told me I had a 35mm cancerous polyp blocking my large bowel (or colon), how long it had been there we don't know, but it nearly killed me! - that bit got to me, - just how close I was to not being here at all.

So all of you aged in your late 40's and older (you know who you are) please PLEASE go get checked out by your GP, as a matter of course - it can save your life! I was about 2 hrs away from my bowel rupturing and killing me!! No joke - it was THAT close!

My bowel operation was a Laparotomy/High anterior resection/ileocolic resection & formation of abcarian stoma. I know its a mouthful but its quite a major procedure and VERY invasive, and it hurts like hell! (in lay mans terms they cut a portion of my lower colon out and diverted the "waste" outside, into a disposable bag, attached to my body via a stoma [ an abcarian stoma is actually part of my colon that protrudes outside my body to deliver the "waste", it comes with the added attraction of actually SEEING your own waste emptying into the bag, which you then have to empty into the loo, by yourself, whilst still recovering from surgery, AND having the evil side effects of chemo])

As you may imagine I've learnt a lot about bowel cancer, the various kinds, and places in the bowel where it develops, managing an Abcarian Stoma, whilst my bowel recovered from surgery, learning about Chemotherapy, the drugs involved, what they do, and how they affect your body.

After recovering from surgery I was placed into yet another Hospital (the Chris O'Brien Lifehouse - dedicated to cancer research and care) receive Chemotherapy. 6 doses of "poison", to target the particular cancer I had developed, as scans after surgery had shown "calcifications" in my liver, in other words they where concerned the cancer had spread through the blood stream, into my liver.

The 3 months worth chemotherapy, would shrink these "tumours", and when my bowel had recovered enough, they would go back in, reverse the stoma, (ie take the bag off) & reattach my bowel (to make it whole again) and then take a peach sized amount out of my liver, where these "tumours" were situated. Again a rather invasive operation - and again it hurt like hell!!

After that, another 3 months of chemo, just to make sure the cancer didn't come back, and its hasn't! Im all clear! Yay me! :D

I'm now in the latter stages of recuperation where I'm trying to loose weight (I ballooned up like a pregnant Ethiopian from 78 kgs to 108.7kgs!!) from all the steriods in the chemo, the pain killers, and the medicines to treat the side effects. (pins & needles in fingers eyes neck & feet, reflux and nausea)
I couldn't, and still can't, exercise due to the aches and pains I endured from both major surgeries and the chemo (I still have pins & needles in my feet, that stop me from standing/walking for long periods of time) so most of my time has been spent perusing Ebay, model railway sites, and making card buildings to pass the time of day. But the appointment and medicines I have had to take prevented me from getting online too much, as the side effects of chemo were, to say the least, debilitating. Vomiting, nausea, dealing with a stoma bag, and trying to look after myself (I live alone btw) When you're going through all that by yourself, its rather taxing on your body, as well as your mental state.

So, as I say, your welcome has been greatly appreciated, and if only 1 of you are persuaded, by my above narrative, to seek out a visit to their GP, to get checked out, my rant has not been in vain!
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Phat Controller »

Now all that said .....
Mountain wrote:I was looking at the turntable. Am I right in saying its a modified Hornby turntable?
No actually, it's an Atlas turntable bought for a pittance via our favourite website, and its is fully motorised as well. It just needs a separate controller, or chip, when I finally get the whole layout into DCC mode.
End2end wrote:First of all, Welcome back. :)
I must say that's the best use of a 3 way point and the most scenic turntable I've ever seen! :o Brilliant!
Thanks for sharing the pictures and a speedy recovery to you Phat controller.
Thanks End2end
Thankyou End2end. I'm going to accept that as a huge compliment, coming from someone I believe has an eye for detail, on their own layout.
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by luckymucklebackit »

Hi - Reading your post just makes me so grateful that my health has held up over the years, your experiences make my problems with my eye seem totally trivial, hope you continue to make a good recovery. You have a cracking looking layout there, lots of interesting features, and I bet it is fun to operate. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

Now where did I put that bowel cancer screening kit that was sent out to me and I and stuck away somewhere.

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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by End2end »

Phat Controller wrote:Thankyou End2end. I'm going to accept that as a huge compliment, coming from someone I believe has an eye for detail, on their own layout.
He he thanks.
I do get some odd looks whem I'm out and about standing there looking up or taking a photo of roofs and the like. :lol:

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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Bufferstop »

Good Lord Tony, you had it rough, I had a tumor right where the small intestine empties into the large one. I shared the first glimpses of it along with everyone else as they performed a colonoscopy. If I hadn't recockonised what it was I could almost have admired it's perfect spherical shape and pure red colouring. As it was I was rather relived to see at last something they knew how to operate on, whilst I was still on the table, the surgeon who would do the op came in and said if I can get in there within three weeks it won't have had chance to spread. When I was back out and telling my wife what had happened, the Lead Nurse for colorectal care came in and stopped dead in her tracks, we had all been colleagues twenty years before. She was puzzled that we seemed so calm, but when she'd heard our tale of woe, she endorsed the surgeon's remarks with "if he says he will do it, he will," and sure enough he did, within three weeks and passed me on to the oncologist. He looked at my history and the post op results, and said "chemo or radio therapy is pointless, he's left nothing to target. I was darned lucky, so when every five years the letter comes, telling me another colonoscopy is due, I'm quite happy to eat their everything white diet for a few days, take the vicious pills intended to clear it out, then turn up at the appointed time and say "OK boys I'm ready, fire up your camera and break out the vaseline!"
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Chops »

Bad go of it, and your fierce determination will pull you through. Your modeling work is great to study, many intriguing ideas. The turn table is a clever addition.
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by TimberSurf »

HI, what a great and busy layout, you're "Spare time" has been well spent! :D
I recently had a wake up call and all the invasive procedures done too, but luckily no big C, just some things that need to be watched. It certainly changes your perspective on life when you discover you're not invulnerable and go from "it will never happen to me", to, my god I might be one of them!
I wish you well and hope they keep fixing you up and you feel better in yourself.
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Re: Tinwald is back!

Post by Ex-Pat »

Welcome back Doc. (or even Prof.?) - fingers crossed for the future.

Can you share a track plan with us please?
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