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Re: PAWFORD Automated/Manual 00 scale update 9-6-2008

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:54 pm
by sanctuary
Ok I'm off out of here

Well not really, I'm afraid it's the end of Pawford, I'm under pressure from SWMBO to redesign the garage so that my mobility scooter can be left set up ready to go for walks with her and the Grand children.

Pawford also needs to be rewired on the point motor circuits and I'm no longer fit enough to do it so it's been sat there doing nothing which means I've lost the argument with SWMBO that I use it.

We also have a new caravan arriving next week so she wants the caravan stuff in a handier place and you'll have less time to work on the layout is her other argument.

I'm going to ignore her for as long as I can hopefully she'll forget or I could come home to find it demolished wish me luck.

Re: PAWFORD Automated/Manual 00 scale update 9-6-2008

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:09 pm
by mumbles
Hi Aidan

That sounds a shame. Hopefully a happy resolution can be found. If it does come to it, then small micro layouts could be the way forward. Working on them indoors and storing in the garage. They would also fit in the caravan for when you go away :wink: I'm sure with your electrical knowledge you could set up some nice shuttle operations.

What about cutting down parts of Pawford into a smaller layout?


I can recommned some excellent small layouts that may give you inspiration.... or maybe not huh?

Best of luck whatever

Re: PAWFORD Automated/Manual 00 scale update 9-6-2008

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:11 pm
by m.levin
What a bummer! if it has to go are you going to relocate it? or is the garage the only real place that it could go? TBH the wench keeps talking about converting the loft in to a room. Why, I don't know! at first it was just an idea she had, but now it is becoming more of an idea. whilst the money is tight the layout is safe.

Re: PAWFORD Automated/Manual 00 scale update 9-6-2008

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:18 pm
by sanctuary
mumbles wrote:Hi Aidan

That sounds a shame. Hopefully a happy resolution can be found. If it does come to it, then small micro layouts could be the way forward. Working on them indoors and storing in the garage. They would also fit in the caravan for when you go away :wink: I'm sure with your electrical knowledge you could set up some nice shuttle operations.

What about cutting down parts of Pawford into a smaller layout?


I can recommned some excellent small layouts that may give you inspiration.... or maybe not huh?

Best of luck whatever
Thanks Michael I may just look for inspiration when we're away in the caravan you never know I may be having a walk along the prom when I could be hit by inspiration, I could also get a call of nature and need a P*** :lol:

Re: PAWFORD Automated/Manual 00 scale update 9-6-2008

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:27 pm
by sanctuary
m.levin wrote:What a bummer! if it has to go are you going to relocate it? or is the garage the only real place that it could go? TBH the wench keeps talking about converting the loft in to a room. Why, I don't know! at first it was just an idea she had, but now it is becoming more of an idea. whilst the money is tight the layout is safe.
She says I can keep the top board at the far end of the garage meaning I'd be left with a 12ft x 8ft board the area that is Arth-on-pew at the moment, may be it will end up being for the best as I need to get the enthusiasm back and a smaller layout could be the thing to do it.
It's the laying of track and electrics that I find the most interesting and working out how to include all my finished Linka models, I can't loose the Rover's Return I'll have Red Dwarf on my back this week end if I do :lol:

Re: PAWFORD under threat of demolition 09/04/2009

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:50 pm
by pointstaken
You coluld build a new layout in the caravan - take it with you wherever you go. Let's see SWMBO argue her way out of that one !


Re: PAWFORD under threat of demolition 09/04/2009

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:41 pm
by m.levin
Not quite heard of a caravan with a layout, but have heard of people taking sections to build whilst away in the caravan. I am away in mine this weekend and taking a box of bits to do when the kids are in bed.

Re: PAWFORD under threat of demolition 09/04/2009

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:10 pm
by sanctuary
m.levin wrote:Not quite heard of a caravan with a layout, but have heard of people taking sections to build whilst away in the caravan. I am away in mine this weekend and taking a box of bits to do when the kids are in bed.
There is a layout in a caravan on here, unfortunately I've failed to find it via a search, as I remember it, He had an old caravan from which he removed all the seating and cupboards and installed baseboards on which he built his layout. I don't think she'll go for that :lol:

I used to build my Linka models when away in the caravan I'd take all the bits along with the paints and spend many a nice hour in the awning making them up.

Re: PAWFORD under threat of demolition 09/04/2009

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:09 pm
by SouthernBoy
Hello Aiden,

I'm sad to hear that Pawford is under threat. It is one of the very first layouts I came across on my re-entry into model railways a few years back: I was inspired by how convincing it looks and it demonstrated on many levels what a model railway can be. So to me Pawford is quite an iconic layout :)

To coin a cliché - I always 'followed with interest' - but rarely commented as there was little I could contribute being relatively inexperienced, for me it was more about reading and learning.

At the same time - starting afresh can be quite exciting. And as you say - "It's the laying of track and electrics that I find the most interesting and working out how to include all my finished Linka models..." so maybe a fresh start will be invigorating and refreshing :)

Either way I wish you luck and I'll be following progress as always - but probably still not commenting much! :shock:

Good luck and my very best wishes for your layout,


Re: PAWFORD under threat of demolition 09/04/2009

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:22 am
by Infrontcat
Hi Aidan mate

I'm utterly devastated that Pawford is under threat :( It was always one of my favourites and I was always so dead impressed with your wonderful well as your wonderful penchant for the insane! :P

Do not panic though mi' old mucker. You have instant counselling and support available right here for any radical action you might find yourself required to take!

Catcha later fella


Re: PAWFORD under threat of demolition 09/04/2009

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:40 am
by Spavo
I have a spare store room in the underground car park Aidan, just pack up Pawford and leave, come to Spain!!

I can sort you a job as Chief of Sun Cream Applier round the pool for the summer so come on, get the suitcases out mate....


Re: PAWFORD Threat of demolition revoked 03/01/2010

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:15 pm
by sanctuary
Thanks to my Grandson who has reached that age were he loves Thomas the tank engine The Powers that be have removed the Demolition order, as long as I get a set of Thomas and friends Rolling Stock :D :D Imagine that she says I can spend money on the layout :D

Edit I've just noticed that most of the pictures of Pawford have disappeared as they were hosted on putafile which has closed down, I'll have to dig them out and redo the start of this Thread :( :( the videos as still there on page 2 which will have to do until I get get the pictures re-hosted :D :D

Edit edit now rehosted and added new pictures to Page 1

Re: PAWFORD Threat of demolition revoked 03/01/2010

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:52 pm
by SouthernBoy
I think to celebrate some fresh pictures would be in order :)

Re: PAWFORD demolition revoked 03/01/2010 new pictures page 1

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:17 pm
by Infrontcat
Golly, the preservationists were victorious! :lol:

If only Beaching had been so easy to bribe!

"Oh Dr Beeching, I believe your grandson likes Thomas, so we're gonna run a Thomas special every week."
"Splendid! Well in that case, keep yer line open!"

Great to hear Aidan, get some fresh pix up soonish!!!


Re: PAWFORD demolition revoked 03/01/2010 new pictures page 1

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:19 pm
by joshing_man
Great to have you back - was missing you :roll:
