A Puzzle!

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A Puzzle!

Post by Mountain »

Earlier this month Sam from Sam's Trains mentioned he was in a puzzling crises and I am not sure if he has been seen since?


Or has he?
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Re: A Puzzle!

Post by Phred »

:lol: I like the pandas!
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Re: A Puzzle!

Post by Bigmet »

I recall seing a reference on another site to an April Fool edition.
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Re: A Puzzle!

Post by Mountain »

It actually was a very cleverly planned april 1st prank with subtle digs at various things for extra effect. The humour through the video while pretending to be serious is the fun part!

I wonder how many took it in as being serious not realizing that it was a prank? There is me for a start! (Until I read the comments, but there again I watched it a few days ago which was way after the intended date. I assumed that Hornby actually "Did" do that jigsaw and were stupid enough to "Think" that Rocket was the first steam locomotive, as by the time Rocket was built there were at least three separate semi -independent locomotive builders who together had made an estimated 15 to 30 locos. (I used the word "Semi independent" because all loco builders (The one in Neath, Wales was actually ahead of Stevenson in some ways), shsred information and designs with each other which is why steam locomotives advanced so quickly as everyone wanted each other to succeed and find ways to make their locos and others a success. There was a lot of visiting each other where Stevenson and his representitives came to Wales and they went to visit his works etc, etc. There were publications explaining in detail various loco designs and ideas to overcome problems such as Neath invented the saftey valve and also an automated valve gear and later the famous "Neath pattern" spark arresting chimney which was used on some steam locos used in and around explosive works (I was actually surprized to find a steam loco coupld be used in such a potentially dangerous enviroment, but several in various works were and were actually successful in those enviroments in the earlier years of explosive works prior to other means of propulsion taking over).

But yes! The prank was a clever one to such an extent that even if like me, one didn't realize it was a prank, one would be entertained by the video.
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