New / Old - Little Weldon

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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all
Blimey what a week.
Despite all the events that have been occurring in the real world.
There have been events occurring within the Train Room as I mentioned a few posts ago our house was due to be rewired this week. OMG!. What a complete nightmare everything moved about, furniture dismantled, Cat completely freaked out.
I have lost half of the power points in the Train Room, the half where all the controls were plugged in. Not entirely sure what to do now I don't particularly want to run an extension lead around half the layout but it may come to that because of the alternative option that doesn't bear thinking about. It's going to be while before I tackle Little Weldon due to sorting out the rest of the house. Thankfully we have finished the cleaning, now for putting the living room back into shape.
Here's some pictures from last Sunday's running session before the rewire.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all
It's been a while since I even looked at the Weldon's, I felt a bit deflated after all the upheaval with the electricians.
I have plumped for running an extension lead around half the layout.
I plugged the transformers in absolutely nothing, this does not bear well. The lighting transformer was actually hot. No good unplug and remove, I have decided to no longer use this as there is obviously an issue with it. I am now running the lighting circuit through a rewired Meccano Marshall transformer.
Both the Up and Down lines had short circuits on the Up line a short piece of wire was found bridging the outer running rail and the centre rail. After a while I discovered on the Down line that the central rail was making contact with one of the track fixing screws.
After two hours and a track clean the first two trains for six weeks were run.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring a bit more of a relaxed session.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all.
After some major sail loss I realised that placing the Windmill at the front of the layout was a mistake. I relocated it to the rear corner of the layout behind the Castle, not a prototypical location. But it looks good as long as the Spitfire can pull up in time.
The removal of the Windmill left some empty earth works. The local Archaeologists insisted on having a dig. They have made an amazing discovery of a Mosaic Villa floor. This find has reopened the debate about the extent of Roman Weldonium.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Bufferstop »

Glad you are up and running again, did you have no say in where the sockets were placed. When we were having extension/remodelling done the electrician turned up with his copy of the architects drawings on which he had put in what he though he was going to do. An hour or so later he left having worked out when he would be able to come and do what we wanted put in. Needless to say it involved many more sockets and light fittings than he thought. One thing we didn't think about was the sockets in the kitchen. He left enough slack for the tiles to be fitted behind the faceplates but the tiler only cut the tiles back far enough to fit the sockets back in, when we wanted to fit a couple with USB sockets on them the hole in the tiles wasn't big enough, so they've ended up with a surface box behind them.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Mountain »

Your layout looks good.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all
I would like to wish you a very
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all
I hope today finds you all well, after the excitement of Christmas day.
I have spent some of my Christmas shut down on kit building the railways fleet of Peco Wonderful Wagon's has grown quite nicely I still have a further two to build. The Hornby Dublo range does not include much in the way of PO wagons. I have also finally managed to fit a Paling fence along the rear of the Up platform on Little Weldon Station.
To answer your question regarding the Electrical works Bufferstop.
We were consulted about our requirements and the team were very good and tried to accommodate our needs but in the two days that they were here the whole place got turned up side down. They completely renewed all the Mains wiring including new boards inside and out. Wherever possible they used the original runs but they still ended up having to dismantle part of the built in furniture in the living room. Towards lunchtime on the second day they had only the Railway Room left, the lighting circuit was replaced fine but when it came to the power points there was some major issues. As I was at work up in London during all of this I was unable to remove the items of furniture and their contents to enable access for trunking. I was consulted over the phone and I agreed to lose the sockets on the other side of the room.
I go back to work on the fourth of January so hopefully a bit more modelling will take place.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all.
Finally both Weldon and Little Weldon Station's have got nameplates. It has only taken the Works Department five years to produce these.
In the first photo to the left of the kiosk is a rather nice example of a Master Model Fry's Chocolate machine.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all

OMG just out of idle curiosity, I have just Googled Little Weldon it is an actual place not only that on the outskirts of the village during 1954/5 a Roman Villa was excavated. How Spooky is all that.
When deciding upon a name for the layout the words New and Old were combined and an anagram was created hence Weldon. For several years now I have considered the Weldon's to be completely fictional forging their own identities. But now there is an alternative universe. As far as I can see neither of the real Weldon's are rail served or have a ruined Castle.
I am going to continue with calling my fictional slice of the late nineteen fifties by its anagram name. Here it is always mid summer, it never rains and there certainly are no rail strikes
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by glencairn »

Ah! The beauty of searching the Net. The local station was originally called Weldon & Corby. Will you be making any models of this charming looking village? :)

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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Admin4 »

Intrigued by the factual picture, I did a quick search too. Although it’s far from my hunting ground, I did go up and down the A43 a few times in the 1970’s. Assuming the bypass just to the north is quite a modern construction and originally it would have been Corby road as shown in your picture, I may have driven through that scene… as you say, Spooky :!:
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all
There has been another increase in the population of the Weldon's, some of which are vintage and some more contemporary all of which are White Metal. The current Furry Controller has been immortalised outside Little Weldon Station, his two predecessors are also on the layout. Two pairs of Swans have also been spotted on the River Wel. There has been talk of Ducks too however they seem to be camera shy. I have also managed to find a couple of interesting pieces. The first is an interesting boxed example of the Island Platform. The pieces are all marked Hornby Dublo made in England by Meccano Limited but the box is clearly marked Triang Hornby. There must have been a large number of these unsold when Meccano Ltd was bought. Secondly I have found a rather nice Playcraft Signal kit, this looks to be very versatile and I am looking forward to building some Custom signals for Little Weldon.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Bufferstop »

'like the canal scene. Canal water is always so much easier to get convincing than a river.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Dublo »

Hello all
It's been an odd year for Little Weldon I lost interest in the layout for a while.
Although I was still actively seeking vintage models to add to it. I now have enough Trix and Triang lights to install in the Loco Yard, and LEDs for experimental Castle lighting. I have also managed to get my mits on some more Illuminated Trix signals.
The population of Little Weldon has also increased over the last few months.
In the pipeline a Kitmaster Schools with a rake of four Kitmaster SR coaches the leading one to be fitted with the powered bogie.
Little Weldon now has had a massive clean, the layout itself took Seven and a half hours. The locos and stock are being cleaned and serviced this is still ongoing I hope to have a running session at some point over the next few days.
Things are looking good for the Little folk of the Weldon's.
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Re: New / Old - Little Weldon

Post by Bufferstop »

What are you proposing to do with the Kitmaster Schools, I've never yet managed to make one of their steam locos roll using the supplied chassis and wheels! The plastic in which they were molded managed to have a very high coefficient of friction, but they do look good on adapted proprietory chassis.
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