Newton Chambers car transporters, BR maroon and coraporate blue and greye

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Re: Newton Chambers car transporters, BR maroon and coraporate blue and greye

Post by Byegad »

I used Motorail in 1979 or 80, Sleeper from York to Folkestone. The car was driven, by me, onto a flat bogie wagon. (The N gauge Society make the very model.) strapped down rather brutally by the tyres and I proceeded to join the sleeper coach. The run down country was punctuated by running fairly slowly and long periods in sidings or passing loops. Wakened with a cup of tea at some ungodly hour, after arriving at Folkestone, much shunting of the flats* occurred until we drivers returned to the cars on the flats started the engines* and drove off the flats. We were held until a queue of cars had formed and then we were directed around a circuit of the port and onto the ferry.

A German user had complained bitterly about English inefficiently and loudly told us in Germany things were much done far better and quicker. As we drove off the flats his VW Beetle refused to start and he came running along the queue of cars on the dockside begging for a push. I'm somewhat heartened that the only push he got was from those drivers behind him, and once they got him off the flats he was left to it, I don't think he made that sailing.
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Re: Newton Chambers car transporters, BR maroon and coraporate blue and greye

Post by D605Eagle »

Oddly this model is now appearing in the EFE range before Heljan have done it???
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Re: Newton Chambers car transporters, BR maroon and coraporate blue and greye

Post by Bigmet »

Reportedly a different Bachmann origin tooling, which I think will be the first time Bachmann have chosen to release an all new product under the EFE label?
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Re: Newton Chambers car transporters, BR maroon and coraporate blue and greye

Post by Bigmet »

And the pricing of the EFE items is not only singly, but significantly lower than Heljan's per piece. Guess who will now wait out this situation to see which brand delivers at the lowest price?
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Re: Newton Chambers car transporters, BR maroon and coraporate blue and greye

Post by Bigmet »

I see Heljan and/or their retailers are splitting the packs, a sensible response to the EFE individually packaged vehicles. Well I am waiting for the competitive effect for smaller prices. Cynical, moi? Yes.

On a positive note, the Heljan models are being greeted with general approval by owners.
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