new for me???

Have any questions or tips and advice on how to build those bits that don't come ready made.
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new for me???

Post by rejrob »

Hi all and they thought it was all overland so did I.Having rediscovered my hands are getting younger, not older ,decided to finish off by completing sets 941 ,hastings set and probably a 3 car set ,restriction 4,how you might ask????(or may not)Having 3 of roxey kits maunsell chassis etches left and no bodies ,a conundrum.A shop I have not used before(I may be wrong ) KJB model shop doncaster,The lovely Katy answered and had the three hornby coaches i wanted 2 x 6 compartment compo brakes and a composite.I will separate the bodies from the chassis leaving the seating with the body. They arrived today so thank you Katy Next was Dave at Roxey mouldings, who has a lot on his plate at this time but always helpful.Initially a res4 composite 6 compartment brake and a res0 6 compartment brake are on their way.I will make the three roxey chassis kits and then cut and shut 2 body kits to end up with a res4 6 compartment brake and a res0 6 compartment composite brake(Ihope()????? If successful a second set of kits for the eventual sets,but all due to kjb having the gear I wanted and being very helpful in the process Worth a look on their site result 1 res4 set with hornby bodies on roxey chassis and 1 res0 set of roxey bodies on hornby chassis All the best Ron
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Re: new for me???

Post by rejrob »

Hi all and hope everyone is keeping safe and well.Covid and now some bully nutter trying to drag us all back to 1939,I think not???Well the last two coach sets are nearing completion, the hastings unit is finished and has been put on the layout, connected to set 213 ,another Hastings set joint hornby and roxey kit set.I lately decided not to use the 2 roxey restriction 4 ,6 comp brakes so used 2 hornby ones and have nearly completed the Corridor composite centre coach.The chassis nearly finished just to paint and the body painted ,numbered and varnished and just needs fitting to the chassis.After completing the varnishing it became very apparent that the hornby coaches were slightly different in colour finish and they were also duller than the centre coach,SO painted the hornby bodies and varnished them, no worries, going around the numbers on the coaches and hey presto same degree of finish and colour a joy to see???? Set 257 will attach to another 3 car set up top,can,t remember its number offhand Still have to pluck up courage to see about taking photos and downloading them here.Although memsab is getting me the Titfield set for my eightieth birthday I did like the new D1 dapol number at rails but the guvnor knows i do have one or two units upstairs so no way was i getting that ah well I will have oodles of spare bits and bobs over from roxey kits and maybe they might do someone a favour, no charge otherwise might return them to dave at roxey.Units completed i must try to finish the cofounded W class if only the valve gear would fit as it should Good luck to all us modellers cheers for now. Ron
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Re: new for me???

Post by Mountain »

Sounds like you have been busy. Quite a lot of work there to get the desired results. Will be good to see some photos.
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