REPLICA RAILWAYS "Low line" powered chassis details & pics.

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Re: REPLICA RAILWAYS "Low line" powered chassis details & pics.

Post by End2end »

Do you have a link please The Duke as I'd like to see more?
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Re: REPLICA RAILWAYS "Low line" powered chassis details & pics.

Post by SRman »

These have been around for quite a few years. I have used several in kit-built EMUs, including a DC Kits 4 EPB and several Bratchell Models EMUS (2 x class 455 and a 319/1). All of mine have been the 64' length but with different sized wheels to suit the application (14 mm for the EPB, 12 mm for the modern units).

They have two matched motors, with each driving one bogie through a cardan shaft. There is an 8-pin DCC socket in the middle, supporting both motors. They run pretty smoothly and controllably, in my experience, and I can definitely recommend them.

A link to one of my videos with a unit that uses one of these motorised chassis. There is more than enough power to deal with a 4-car unit plus an unpowered 2-car unit (class 455 + 456). This clip is over 4 years old, so it shows the chassis have been around for longer than that. The availability varies a bit though.

And a more recent clip with the Bratchell 455 + 456 and the 319. As you can see, these chassis do run very smoothly. I am quite a fan of them, and have two more waiting in the wings for future projects. :)
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