The N Gauge Journal (issue 4/16) is now at the printers. After printing and packing,
the posting out of completed copies (along with the NGS Newsletter) is scheduled
for the last full week of July.
Here is the content to look forward to which includes a look at five layouts:
* What’s new in ‘N’ - 12 pages of news and reviews
* Castlefields & Central Manchester - Tony Murray describes his urban layout
* Egg Box Baseboards - Tom Jenner explains how he builds them
* Mawdsley (WR) - Matthias Hacker describes a FREMO module
* Building Accurate Buildings - Jonathan Kinghorn shows how to produce plans
* The Hares & Tortoises of DCC - Gavin Dewar tests various decoders
* 4-Character Head-Codes - Victor Hall explains
* Llanstephan Halt - A test track bed or a micro layout - you decide
* Members Projects - Assembling the Artitec JPK resin kit
* Chester Midland Shed (part 5) - Barry Bryant describes the scenery & operations
* Langley L1 to A5 - Kevin Smith bashes a white metal kit
* Tony Seaman’s Layout - A first time beginners layout
* OIX/OJA/OJX Ferry Opens - Richard Bardsley takes a closer look at them
* Let There be Light (part 2) - Brian Rockey explains lighting buildings
* Not all cars come from Oxford - Matthew Longstaff displays his collection
* Members Models - More showcased models
* Modelling Mail Train - Members letters
The Journal is a bi-monthy, full colour, A5 sized, around 80/90 pages, magazine sent
to members of the N Gauge Society. It features exclusively N Gauge content such as
reviews, news, 'how to' features, members models, layouts, modelling projects and so
on. In addition there is a separate 'Newsletter' publication for Society matters like
reports, notices, classified adverts, and details of Society events.