Added to their range, the RB - restaurant buffet - that will doubtless see a number of the much liked Mainline RB models appearing s/h, the BSO - brake second open - and the far more numerous version of the FO - first open - with a third near centre door. I think that brings them up to 25 types if the GUV is included, since their mk1 programme launched in 2001 with eight types, which was something never seen previously in RTR OO.
These are to be fitted with their pinpoint pick up system, which is very welcome, not just for power on board if required, but because it is the class act in free rolling. The various carriages I have with this system will roll away on notionally level track, to the extent that one train has an optional braked carriage which can be added when it has to be stopped without a loco. ( I had the doors and windows open two summers past, and the breeze was enough to move the train until it derailed on points.)
Bachmann further expanding their BR mk1 range
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