bit of virtual testing yesterday on the planned control equipment.
powered up my Pi400 to code on, specifically as the way linux handles wifi and networking is so different to windows.
anyway, got a test programme in C++ talking to the MQTT server and thus able to talk to and listen to the layout control stuff to and from JMRI over the MQTT protocol. means the Pi400 can see the virtual test sensors, drive test points etc. all good.
for driving trains the same application also talks to JMRI using the WiThrottle protocol, currently its all very basic, just establishing the connection and some basic messaging, however it all works which amazed me.
this in effect allows the idea of a virtual signal box to go ahead, yes JMRI can do a lot of it with its logix stuff, this allows better integration into outside sources though.
of course it needs the layout, thinking about a month off being able to start on the track (don't screen shot this) as the cellar needs another week then the board framing likely three weeks to get the first deck down but the entire frame done
Failure and restarting
- Posts: 495
- Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:48 pm
Re: Failure and restarting
slightly more progress, modifying the test plank slightly this is gaining a short length of parallel track, this to allow for a DCC programming track & running track option - plan is to strip my DCC++EX setup from my N gauge track at the weekend and add to this, a decoder that will go into the A1 arrived today so can get all that tested.
Also in other, excellent, news a pair of C75 long turnouts arrived, I wanted to try stock on C75 and it was cheaper to get a turnout on eBay than buy the minimum order of flexi track with postage, also figured turnouts more of a test as will also beck back to back stuff
the good news being all the stock I have, including the older Mainline locomotives will run through them perfectly which means a layout with C75 is "go", allowing electrofrog points and crossings which is what I wanted.
I knew OO points were big, and expected "large" ones to be bigger still but amazing actually having a couple.. most stock I have can comfortably sit on one. should look good on a layout though
Also in other, excellent, news a pair of C75 long turnouts arrived, I wanted to try stock on C75 and it was cheaper to get a turnout on eBay than buy the minimum order of flexi track with postage, also figured turnouts more of a test as will also beck back to back stuff
the good news being all the stock I have, including the older Mainline locomotives will run through them perfectly which means a layout with C75 is "go", allowing electrofrog points and crossings which is what I wanted.
I knew OO points were big, and expected "large" ones to be bigger still but amazing actually having a couple.. most stock I have can comfortably sit on one. should look good on a layout though
- Posts: 495
- Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:48 pm
Re: Failure and restarting
"layout" update..
cellar ceiling has gotten as far as it will in the near future, just needs painting now. will be mounting a 4' support shelf tomorrow, which also needs painting, may have a run to get the bits to start board construction Sunday.
also, the test plank has gotten an upgrade
short straight parallel section added, to use as a DCC programming track. with the bits to create a new DCC-EX++ base station on the way to arrive over the next week. this may, or may not gain buffer stops (probably will eventually)
cellar ceiling has gotten as far as it will in the near future, just needs painting now. will be mounting a 4' support shelf tomorrow, which also needs painting, may have a run to get the bits to start board construction Sunday.
also, the test plank has gotten an upgrade
short straight parallel section added, to use as a DCC programming track. with the bits to create a new DCC-EX++ base station on the way to arrive over the next week. this may, or may not gain buffer stops (probably will eventually)
- Posts: 495
- Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:48 pm
Re: Failure and restarting
After a bit of a faff I managed to get the Arduino Mega to respond (if anyone else has a Chinese clone that is report "timeout" when programming, try reloading the bootloader). managed to get DCC-EX loaded, a motor shield working and one of the cheaper WiFi boards added.
miracle was once loaded it all worked, expected to have to sort Wifi firmware etc but it appears to be working fine.
dug up my only "DCC ready" loco, Hornby Flying Scotsman (older Railroad model), 8 pin socket, dropped a Zimo MX600R in and away she rumbled.
amazingly quiet to compared to the N gauge stuff, and even speed step one has her crawling.
calling that success, my test plank now runs in DC and DCC mode, when not faffing with the cellar layout build, currently board building, will be, gradually ordering and chipping the rest
miracle was once loaded it all worked, expected to have to sort Wifi firmware etc but it appears to be working fine.
dug up my only "DCC ready" loco, Hornby Flying Scotsman (older Railroad model), 8 pin socket, dropped a Zimo MX600R in and away she rumbled.
amazingly quiet to compared to the N gauge stuff, and even speed step one has her crawling.
calling that success, my test plank now runs in DC and DCC mode, when not faffing with the cellar layout build, currently board building, will be, gradually ordering and chipping the rest
- Posts: 495
- Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:48 pm
Re: Failure and restarting
'nother trip to Wickes when on my way out to a gaming club, Thursdays seem to provide the ideal chance as I go past anyway.
now have the timber framing for the other long side (three more 2'x4' modules, stuff for the legs, bolts, washers etc), goal is those three assembled as framing over the bank holiday, a "stretch" goal is to get the bits (3 more sheets of 9mm ply) to make the to smaller end boards and a weird shaped diagonal infill board - again just as framing.
backup being them the weekend after.
scouted out suitable XPS foam for covering the track deck before adding cork so then its getting the extra 9mm sheets for the decking which can be done in stages - the board to be worked on and the ones either side to allow the run over to be done and who knows I may even start some track in a few weeks.
still planning but the scenic area likely done first as there are only two left hand points (which I have) and a diamond (which I don't yet) to worry about and can get about 2/3 of the loops done before buying more track so while its all gradients except a very short bit at one end can at least start making chuffing noises as I play trains
now have the timber framing for the other long side (three more 2'x4' modules, stuff for the legs, bolts, washers etc), goal is those three assembled as framing over the bank holiday, a "stretch" goal is to get the bits (3 more sheets of 9mm ply) to make the to smaller end boards and a weird shaped diagonal infill board - again just as framing.
backup being them the weekend after.
scouted out suitable XPS foam for covering the track deck before adding cork so then its getting the extra 9mm sheets for the decking which can be done in stages - the board to be worked on and the ones either side to allow the run over to be done and who knows I may even start some track in a few weeks.
still planning but the scenic area likely done first as there are only two left hand points (which I have) and a diamond (which I don't yet) to worry about and can get about 2/3 of the loops done before buying more track so while its all gradients except a very short bit at one end can at least start making chuffing noises as I play trains