A trackway system of moving freight.

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A trackway system of moving freight.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Gravity-powered sleds move timber downhill with a mixture of earth ways and cross-timber trackways.

Despite the title "Dangerous Way They Slide Tons of Wood Down a Mountain" I suspect that the danger is minimal. The way down seems to be a sequence of short runs on earth, then on timber, then on earth etc with specific times at which braking or steering is required.

I gather that the men work in pairs, and assist each other crossing the sealed roads.

Training must be minimal; two fellows can probably supply timber (for the sawmill?) at a leisurely rate for 40+ years.

Cheers, Chris
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Re: A trackway system of moving freight.

Post by Mountain »

Looks good.

Today in the UK , ironically we use far more polluting methods to comply with the "Enviromentwlly friendly" rules. The two big players to gain are the government and the big multinational companies. Everyone else is having their profits and livelihoods squeezed which is sad.
Yet the older methods were environmentally friendly!
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