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Running roundhouse engines on MSS track

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 9:58 am
by Someone
I don't know whether this has been asked before, but I'm asking for a friend.

Can Roundhouse engines run on Mamod track?

Re: Running roundhouse engines on MSS track

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 10:28 am
by Mountain
As far as I am aware, Mamod track is made to SM32 gauge which is the same gauge width that 0 gauge uses (32mm).

As far as I am aware, Roundhouse locos can come in two gauges. SM32 and G scale. G scale runs on 45mm gauge track.
I believe most Roundhouse locos are made to run on 32mm gauge track.

You will need to know if the loco or locos and stock are built to run on SM32 or G scale (LGB) track. If they are made to run on SM32, then yes. They will run on Mamod track.

I don't know if other makes of track such as Peco will join to Mamod track wither the rail joiners are and if they have the same height rails (One can improvise here if one wants) but the gauge will be the same.

The only main limitation with Mamod track is that it is not designed for locos that run on track power so if one does use track power for some locos, one can't use Mamod track unless one only uses it in isolated sidings because as far as I am aware, Mamod track is completely metal. (I have had a Mamod loco at one time which I built up from a kit but I never bought any track).

I say Mamod because Mamod were the company that origionally designed and produced the range which MSS took over from, and MSS has vastly improved on the models since.