Yeoman Hoppers in OO

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Yeoman Hoppers in OO

Post by centenary »

Just bought 7 of these, 1 outer and 6 inners. from Rails. Bit pricey on their 24 hour delivery charge at over 7 quid and no alternative except to collect in store which, isnt an option due to distance.

These look nice and although they're intended to be hauled behind a 59, my EWS 66 will have to suffice. Didnt get 2 outers because my 66 has a kadee type coupling and I think I can live with a hopper next to the loco without buffers.

If they look as nice in the flesh, I might buy a couple more and another outer to make a 10 hopper rake!

EDIT forgot to mention these are a mix of original and revised liveries.
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Re: Yeoman Hoppers in OO

Post by Mountain »

If they have heavy metal underframes be aware that even with todays all wheel drive locos, they are heavy to pull, so be aware of this before too many unless one is happy double heading the things. Bachmann may have made their newer wagons lighter in weight as I bought mine some 15 years ago now and I no longer have them. They had small tension lock couplings on mine.
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Re: Yeoman Hoppers in OO

Post by centenary »

Mountain wrote:If they have heavy metal underframes be aware that even with todays all wheel drive locos, they are heavy to pull, so be aware of this before too many unless one is happy double heading the things. Bachmann may have made their newer wagons lighter in weight as I bought mine some 15 years ago now and I no longer have them. They had small tension lock couplings on mine.
Well these rocked up at 8:30am this morning, which caught me by surprise!

Yes, they are what Id describe as representatively heavy. Id only add another 1 or 2 to the 7 Ive got so no more than 9 in a rake.

A very nice detailed model, the 'end' hopper needs a 6 pin chip, which isnt included for the flashing tail light. Not sure I'll bother with that but we'll see. The instructions, only in the end hopper packet, says the tension lock can be changed for any other NEM connector so that will be something Im changing.
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Re: Yeoman Hoppers in OO

Post by Bigmet »

Mountain wrote:If they have heavy metal underframes be aware that even with todays all wheel drive locos, they are heavy to pull, so be aware of this before too many...
Far more crucial than vehicle weight on an all level track layout, is how free rolling the vehicles are. Metal wheel pinpoint axle RTR OO should roll away from rest on 1 in 100, and note that much better is both attainable and desireable.

If those two criteria are met, a typical 600g centre motor twin bogie drive model will realistically start and pull at scale speed a train weight of 4kg - this train weight allows for the train having to be around one semi circle curve much of the time, which will typically be the case on an average UK layout. (On all dead straight and truly level track it will move something in the range of 8 to 10kg train weight.)

Add gradients and the tractive capacity falls off sharply. A 1% gradient of the same length or longer than the train typically near halves the load if the traction is to reliably restart the train, all of it standing on the gradient: a safe estimate is 2kg train weight, alternatively taken at the run 2,5kg will probably be possible. That'll be half or just over the number of trailing vehicles in the train.

There are other significant factors which haven't been mentioned in the above estimates, most significant the coefficient of friction between the driven wheel tyres and the railhead, and the minimum radius of curvature on the layout, these have to be determined as applying to the models and layout track of the user.

It's pretty easy to add weight to these model designs if more tractive grunt is required. :D
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