Barry Scrapyard Early 70s

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Barry Scrapyard Early 70s

Post by RailwayRobbo »

I was having my occasional visit to the loft when I came across these pictures of Barry Scrapyard I took in the early 70s.
I thought they had been lost years ago.
These are definitely my first attempt at Railway Photography.
Taken with my trusty Kodak Instamatic on Ilford B&W film. The pictures must be around 50 years old. I'd guess 70/71ish. Hence the poor quality.
I was a member of the Worcester Locomotive Society back in the day and we went on a few weekend shed tours with them.Obviously these pictures are from a South Wales tour and I can remember going to the North East, North West, East Anglia and South Yorkshire on other tours between 68 and 71.
We used to have to catch the coach in Birmingham.
I also have some later COLOUR pictures of the early days of preservation at places like the Dart Valley Railway, The Worth Valley Railway The IoW Railway and a few others. These are a little later roundabout the mid/late 70s. I'll scan and upload then later.
I think this is The Duke of Gloucester.
I think this is The Duke of Gloucester.
An unidentified 'Crab'
An unidentified 'Crab'
GWR 5159
GWR 5159
Standard Tank 80151
Standard Tank 80151
Jinty 474??
Jinty 474??
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Re: Barry Scrapyard Early 70s

Post by RailwayRobbo »

Barry Scrapyard (2)
GWR Pannier. Do you think the anglepoise lamp on the front is a later addition? LOL
GWR Pannier. Do you think the anglepoise lamp on the front is a later addition? LOL
Southern Pacific 34???
Southern Pacific 34???
Southern 30841
Southern 30841
GWR Mogul ????
GWR Mogul ????
Standard 4-6-0 ?????
Standard 4-6-0 ?????
Last edited by RailwayRobbo on Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barry Scrapyard Early 70s

Post by RailwayRobbo »

Barry Scrapyard (3)
GWR ????
GWR ????
Southern Pacifics ?????
Southern Pacifics ?????
Southern Pacific 'Spam Can' 34070 with a couple of GWR Panniers behind
Southern Pacific 'Spam Can' 34070 with a couple of GWR Panniers behind
I returned to Barry some years later around 1980 when my brother was in the RAF stationed at St Athans.
Strangely my brother and family now live in Barry and he works at Cardiff Airport servicing planes.
About 3 or 4 years ago we visited him for his 60th birthday. We stayed down in the docks in the Travelodge which has a big photograph of the locos in the scrapyard on the wall in reception. All trace of the scrapyard has gone and it's now covered in grass.

Thank you Dai Woodham.
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Re: Barry Scrapyard Early 70s

Post by luckymucklebackit »

I made my pilgrimage in 1981, a lot of locos had already been rescued but there were still plenty to see. Remember seeing Braunton and King Edward I and given the condition they were in then it is amazing that they returned to steam.

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Re: Barry Scrapyard Early 70s

Post by luckymucklebackit »

Here are my photographs of that trip
barry trip013.jpg
barry trip016.jpg
barry trip015.jpg
barry trip014.jpg
barry trip012.jpg
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Re: Barry Scrapyard Early 70s

Post by luckymucklebackit »

Few more
barry trip018.jpg
barry trip020.jpg
barry trip019.jpg
barry trip021.jpg
barry trip017.jpg
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Re: Barry Scrapyard Early 70s

Post by RailwayRobbo »

Thanks for posting Jim.
They were all in terrible condition and you have to give credit to the presevation groups who must have put 1,000s of hours getting them back in steam.
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