making your own corrugated panels

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Re: making your own corrugated panels

Post by brit-in-bama »

A quick update
the reason for my needing to make so many corrugated panels is this!
this is a cement plant based on memory from working there, and although this is a smaller version of the real place as you can see its still massive as you will see later on, so here is a few pics of what I started with, basically six boxes, and two cardboard rolls.
first I marked out the placement of the 3 buildings and corner pegs for them to locate into, then placed the large roller ( the rotary kiln) and gearbox and then the smaller tube (the ball mill) so they would be driven at different speeds by the same output shaft, this is a 1000:1 gearbox used on rotary aerials on campers and R.V's, we just happened to replace one a couple of years ago so it was in the junk pile in the workshop (we never throw anything away :lol: )
then I cut the openings for the kiln and ball mill in all three buildings, and added the slope of the roof
then powered it up and tested the clearance around the tubes
everything was good, so now the fun starts with the corrugated panels.
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Re: making your own corrugated panels

Post by brit-in-bama »

As you can see from Bob (say hi Bob) and his 54 Buick, they really are to scale, and this also gives you the true scale of these buildings, he is outside the machine room, this is where the rollers are driven, the gas for the lance in the kiln is fed and the conveyor system is controlled, it was the only building with any fiberglass daylight panels in the walls, these were made of 2 sheets of tracing paper glued together with clear matt spray, then sent through the roller mill so they matched the steel panels of the wall.
then I just made strips of corrugated panels as I needed them, usually one A4 sheet at a time this gave me six 11" strips all I had to do was scribe the panel joints with an old glass cutter (which is not sharp by the way, it will never cut paper no matter how hard you press on it), then starting at the bottom simply stick the strips with wood glue on the desired wall giving a small overlap with the panel above.
here is Jim on the second floor, above the conveyor room, and beside the 3 stage cyclone mixing fans on the tall third floor.
the hardest part of this was doing the edge capping and flashing, I used edge of the foil paper that was left from cutting the panel sheets, cutting into 1/4" strips (6mm) and folding them lengthwise into angle, and then gluing them into place with tweezers and a dull sharpened bbq stick to push it into the corners.
then it was time to clad the ball mill in its reinforcing strips, both along its length, by making strips of rivets on a sewing machine and gluing them onto the outer casing, this process is shown in this thread (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=52151) then finally to paint the kiln red-lead, this is just the base coat, as they are never coated as they get really hot, and rust for fun.
I hope you find this a useful post, I enjoyed the challenge, and yes I still have all the conveyor systems to make (clad in the same stuff) also the 4 concrete silo's, and the unloading of the train cars of limestone, gypsum, granite, and then the loading of pallets of bags of finished cement and bulk cement cars, so still a long way to go, but its the journey thats fun. Oh and by the way, it took 592 single sheets to cover the three buildings, imagine making them individually by hand, hence the roller press, and I still have about 4-500 to make on the conveyor's walls and roofs.
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Re: making your own corrugated panels

Post by End2end »

Oh no, wait a mintue. :lol:
Great modelling brit-in-bama! Looking forward to seeing it weathered and in situ. :)
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Re: making your own corrugated panels

Post by Mountain »

I like it. It has me thinking about ways to make them sheets. They look great.
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Re: making your own corrugated panels

Post by Mountain »

I like it. It has me thinking about ways to make them sheets. They look great. Funnily enough, I moved a few real ones today. Posted twice?
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