Six by four, or not, for Thomas.

Any questions about designing a model railway layout or problems with track work.
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Six by four, or not, for Thomas.

Post by Emettman »

A mention came up recently of the Rev. Awdry's original 6 x 4 plan for Farquhar Mk1 which I think was this.
farquhar.jpg (36.71 KiB) Viewed 812 times
Seeing as it might be fun I had a try, using this as a basis, to come up with a variation using Anyral
This has Peco points for a live frog option, but needs R1 curves in places.
I added a second, through, station to add capacity, and re-worked the fiddle yard, making it more bidirectional.

This was the main point I had in mind:
I then tried the effect of adding a foot to length and width, but transferring all the operating and access space requirements to inside the layout.
The track curves come up to R3 as a minimum as a major improvement, and all the goods and storage sidings are eased appreciably.
There is a large enough section of single plain track for a simple flap or lift-out bridge.

That the overall space required may actually be less with the larger layout i've tried to show here:
thomas3.jpg (57.75 KiB) Viewed 812 times
This would be for, Thomas, Percy, Toby, Maisie and Daisy.
Oliver with autocoach Isobel could visit on the 7 x 5 version

"It's his madness that keeps him sane."
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