Though I have lots of unfinished projects on my hands in 7mm NG, somehow I have been tempted into buying two kits (Via a friend who has access to Paypal).
Now not having tried any 3D kits before, I happened to see this...
Which was very tempting!
The kits did not take that long to arrive even though I had to wait for them to print them. I find them interesting. Both kits are the same as I ordered two.
I partly assembled one to get an idea of size and while I am not knocking the kits, I will be doing some work to bring these to look the part with my other stock. (Don't worry... I know what I am doing as I do realize that altering one part will mean altering many!)
Take a look at the photos next to my unfinished and much altered Smallbrook Studeo Cadera which itself stands about 2mm taller then it was supposed to. The height and width of the doors are rather large on the new kit, or are they just small on the Smallbrook Kit? The body width is slightly wider but that is fine. Anyway. Time to get to work to add my own personal touch to these interesting kits.
(I apologize to the kit designer for wanting to do my own thing, though I do do this to most things I make).