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A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:37 pm
by hairyhandedfool
So I'm taking the plunge and throwing my hat into the ring for the latest 'just for fun' competition and, hoping the railway bug will bite, I've decided to build a small N Gauge layout/diarama type thing. The scenic area will be on a baseboard measuring approx. 210mm wide by 1200mm long. I haven't worked out the finer points yet (big mistake), but I have an image in my head of what I want to achieve, hopefully I can do it. It will be based in relatively modern times, post-privatisation for sure, and almost certainly in the Greater Manchester area.

I hope to recreate a twin track approach to a station, possibly a parkway station or maybe for an 'out of town' shopping complex, with four platforms to use and maybe a branch line diverging as well. Despite the narrowness of the work area, I don't want the track to appear dead straight, so track positioning will be quite a challenge.

My first job though, is actually constructing a baseboard. I've considered all the usual options, but as I don't want to be outside cutting wood, I've gone with a choice of materials that is going to turn out to be either a brilliantly clever, or stunningly stupid, idea. Paper and card......

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:45 pm
by skyblue
This sounds like a really interesting project - it should be an ideal way to showcase your skills.

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:57 pm
by hairyhandedfool
Well, I've not really gotten very far with scenics in N gauge before so it could be very interesting!

So stage one is underway, and after much toil and strife, a base structure has been created. A4 sheets of used paper was cut into 50mm wide stripes, some 210mm long, some 295mm long. Each had many 10mm slits cut from each side down their length and were then folded into 'U' shaped channels. The channels were then slotted together to form a 20mm thick base structure for the baseboard.



The structure itself is prone to deforming in certain circumstances and corrugated card is to be used to strengthen on top and underneath. The plan is that thinner 'cereal packet' card will 'wrap' the base and help to disguise the formation of the base, it might even help a little with rigidity.

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 5:31 pm
by carnehan
Wow. So far that's an ingenious idea for a baseboard. I'll be interested to see how strong it is once the outer skins are applied. Still scope for it being a stupid idea!!! :wink:


Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:22 pm
by hairyhandedfool
I'm somewhat reluctant to test it fully hehe, definitely still scope for being stupid.....

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:03 pm
by Bufferstop
Great bit of lateral thinking! If you use corrugated card for the surfaces it might be an idea to have the corrugations on top at right angles to those on the bottom.

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:23 pm
by hairyhandedfool
That was my thinking, I've also done it at 90 degrees to the strongest part of the paper structure to reduce the effect of any weakness there.


My next task is to add the cereal card wrap, which may take a little time, but hopefully I'll get through it in the next couple of days.

I did a brief strength test at this stage, with an unsupported section 460mm wide (approx. 18in), using two boxed Bachmann OO gauge 150s (approx. 2kg), and it showed some bending, but that should still be plenty more than needed for this layout. This was only a brief test though and long term exposure to that weight may have different effects.



Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:35 pm
by skyblue
That's very impressive that you've managed to achieve that strength with paper and card. I look forward to seeing your progress.

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:00 pm
by hairyhandedfool
Paper can be quite a strong material, it's all about how you use it I believe, hopefully I've got something right here.

Progress was slowed somewhat by actual work getting in the way, but at last I have put the cereal card on and it did look a lot better, but I still wasn't happy with now it looked....


So I purchased some "self adhesive film" which I guess is probably best described as being like the stuff used to cover work tops, but probably less durable. I considered wood effect but knowing this wouldn't really look right (and it was one of the more expensive on offer, I chose a fairly basic work top look....


Hopefully you can make out the pattern on that, it didn't need to cover all of the top because the layout will do that. Which moves me on nicely, as it means I can get to work on the track plan. I think I'm happy enough with the idea of three through platforms and abay platform, and I've picked a design which is similar to the arrangement at Bedford Station, minus the fast lines of course...


Obviously there are differences and, on my plan, the main through lines would be the furthest to the left and second from the right, with the furthest right being the bay platform. The actual station will only take up about a foot at the far end, in my head the station is covered by a building which should hide the board end. At the near end of the picture, the righthand track will be the branch line. the plan is still a little fluid though.

Most of the track visible at this stage is from previous layouts, though I think when I finally lay it, it could be a little bit newer. Before I stick any track down, though, I want to have a good idea of where scenery is going, I'm considering a grass 'hill' on the left hand side, though a high wall may be needed along that side. Overhead wires are also on my mind at this point.

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:37 am
by PinkNosedPenguin
Only just found this thread - what an interesting baseboard design 8)
How many is it progressing?

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:15 am
by Kentishman
PinkNosedPenguin wrote:Only just found this thread - what an interesting baseboard design 8)
How many is it progressing?
And ditto from me.

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:44 pm
by hairyhandedfool
I've been working too hard again, so 'play time' is at a premium, but I'm aiming to get some done this week around my 60 hours of work. The baseboard has bent slightly and I believe that is to do with how much glue has been used in attaching the card wrap to the underside, it's a disappointing development, but as it's created a fairly even arc it might work out okay, also as the scenics develop there might be an opportunity to try to flatten it a bit. More pictures coming soon when there is something to show.

Re: A small layout - OCT-DEC 2015 competition entry

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:12 pm
by twchdyn
how about adding a backbone of some sort. With model plane wings leaving them in the bathroom while i had a shower then putting weight on sorts out the warp. A couple of bits of thin plywood or even balsa glued along the sides should help stop any warp returning. No harm in going composite.