Just remember to isolate it when it's standing still, or take it off the track!Pleased with the running of this motor unit on DC - you can hear the AC supply buzz
Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
- Bufferstop
- Posts: 13904
- Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:06 pm
- Location: Bottom end of N. Warks line
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Growing old, can't avoid it. Growing up, forget it!
My Layout, My Workbench Blog and My Opinions
My Layout, My Workbench Blog and My Opinions
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Hi John,
Believe me, a couple of laps in each direction and back indoors.
While I'm waiting for some decoders I though "Why Not" to the firebox/boiler.
The video phred found & highlighted showed the set up, although only in
passing shots. This is NOT an accurate scale model so could I make something ??
Lots of fine plastic tube here - the result of 48, or more years of modelling. This
would be ideal for the chimney pipe, but the boiler drum ??? I found some bamboo
bits in the garage, leftovers from tree sockets I put in layouts. A little small, but
I went for it.
Here you have the arrangement, now painted aluminium attached to the roof interior.
No you can't see too much inside. That will also have less light when I've added a couple
of filler strips to almost seal the lower cab sides.
MMmm that gap at the chimney base will have to be blended in, probably using Crystal
Clear glazing compound prior to painting.
Geoff T.
Believe me, a couple of laps in each direction and back indoors.
While I'm waiting for some decoders I though "Why Not" to the firebox/boiler.
The video phred found & highlighted showed the set up, although only in
passing shots. This is NOT an accurate scale model so could I make something ??
Lots of fine plastic tube here - the result of 48, or more years of modelling. This
would be ideal for the chimney pipe, but the boiler drum ??? I found some bamboo
bits in the garage, leftovers from tree sockets I put in layouts. A little small, but
I went for it.
Here you have the arrangement, now painted aluminium attached to the roof interior.
No you can't see too much inside. That will also have less light when I've added a couple
of filler strips to almost seal the lower cab sides.
MMmm that gap at the chimney base will have to be blended in, probably using Crystal
Clear glazing compound prior to painting.
Geoff T.
Remember ... I know nothing about railways.
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Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
The boiler looks great inside the cab! Nice work.Dad-1 wrote:
Most of these things didn't have what you would recognise as a firebox, just something resembling an oil drum with a stovepipe sticking out of the top.
I saw an in-cab video on YouTube a while ago, which I can't find now. The two chaps in the cab were almost suffocating in steam, leaking smoke and dripping condensation, but they soldiered on.
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Hi phred,
It didn't look a healthy place to be, bet that stove pipe up to the chimney was
lagged with asbestos.
Right, beginning to get near what I want. First the interior was overly well lit.
To overcome this I filled the full length gaps along each side of the moto/floor,
with plasticard, making certain I didn't glue to the motor/floor. This was then
painted matt black.
It's worked perfectly making the interior rather dark. The plastic strips have a hole
each side for decoder wires.
My plan to glue all together necessary as the option to separate uses retaining plates
behind each buffer beam, held in place with nuts. These mean I can't get NEM dove-
tail mountings fitted at the right height. I want the flexibility to use either Kadees, or
Bachmann narrow tension lock couplers.
This is getting very close to finish painting, decoders just arrived today.
Geoff T.
It didn't look a healthy place to be, bet that stove pipe up to the chimney was
lagged with asbestos.
Right, beginning to get near what I want. First the interior was overly well lit.
To overcome this I filled the full length gaps along each side of the moto/floor,
with plasticard, making certain I didn't glue to the motor/floor. This was then
painted matt black.
It's worked perfectly making the interior rather dark. The plastic strips have a hole
each side for decoder wires.
My plan to glue all together necessary as the option to separate uses retaining plates
behind each buffer beam, held in place with nuts. These mean I can't get NEM dove-
tail mountings fitted at the right height. I want the flexibility to use either Kadees, or
Bachmann narrow tension lock couplers.
This is getting very close to finish painting, decoders just arrived today.
Geoff T.
Remember ... I know nothing about railways.
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Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Decoder in and tested.
It runs better than expected. I cut the unused leads off rather than de-soldering.
My darkened interior a great improvement, even a decoder in there un-seen in this
view. I will stick the decoder away before the roof is added, also paint all the leads
black. Remember this decoder is in here for life !!
Geoff T.
It runs better than expected. I cut the unused leads off rather than de-soldering.
My darkened interior a great improvement, even a decoder in there un-seen in this
view. I will stick the decoder away before the roof is added, also paint all the leads
black. Remember this decoder is in here for life !!
Geoff T.
Remember ... I know nothing about railways.
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
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Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Due to awful weather this project is racing ahead.
Looks like it'll be done in 2 months from purchase.
The design used a couple of small nut & bolts to hold together. Right on the buffer beam
centre line. That final nut and mounting plate underneath really screws up mounting NEM
My last gluing holding it all together made them redundant. This cleared the underside allowing
a Peco NEM dove tail mounting with only a minimum of the mounting ribs left to sit at the
right height. Great, Kadees in NEM pockets all attached - height correct !!
While messing around with this I accidentally knocked the cab off the table. First check revealed
no structural damage - glued white metal kits can be tough. Ahh then I noticed that one of my
windows had spring out, found on the floor and will have to stick back using another drop of clear
acrylic varnish. Lucky ??
A short testing session followed making certain that the Kadees at both ends worked as they should.
I now have to search out BR emblem decals, first call 'Fox'. Cab & roof still to be fixed, but I might
do a light spray of black before fixing on.
Time to add hub/suspension parts and sand boxes - Hey almost 'there'
Geoff T.
Looks like it'll be done in 2 months from purchase.
The design used a couple of small nut & bolts to hold together. Right on the buffer beam
centre line. That final nut and mounting plate underneath really screws up mounting NEM
My last gluing holding it all together made them redundant. This cleared the underside allowing
a Peco NEM dove tail mounting with only a minimum of the mounting ribs left to sit at the
right height. Great, Kadees in NEM pockets all attached - height correct !!
While messing around with this I accidentally knocked the cab off the table. First check revealed
no structural damage - glued white metal kits can be tough. Ahh then I noticed that one of my
windows had spring out, found on the floor and will have to stick back using another drop of clear
acrylic varnish. Lucky ??
A short testing session followed making certain that the Kadees at both ends worked as they should.
I now have to search out BR emblem decals, first call 'Fox'. Cab & roof still to be fixed, but I might
do a light spray of black before fixing on.
Time to add hub/suspension parts and sand boxes - Hey almost 'there'
Geoff T.
Remember ... I know nothing about railways.
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
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Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Adding those axle boxes was a nightmare.
I just hope the sand boxes and gubbins in the middle help hold securely.
One of the 'gubbins' was only part cast. Now I could send off for a replacement part, but
that involves a cost and delays.
Back to a dark art of modelling - Have you ever used Bicarbonate of Soda with superglue ?
Bicarb sets superglue quickly - sometimes with an exothermic reaction, but that's not a
problem on white metal castings. Use a slow build up, a drop of glue then dunk in a heap
of bicarb. Continue until you have built up a little more than needed, file and sand to shape.
More can be added if needed.
Here you can see the diagonal line on the lower part where it's been built up. Some final
sanding will be done as I try to fit.
Geoff T
I just hope the sand boxes and gubbins in the middle help hold securely.
One of the 'gubbins' was only part cast. Now I could send off for a replacement part, but
that involves a cost and delays.
Back to a dark art of modelling - Have you ever used Bicarbonate of Soda with superglue ?
Bicarb sets superglue quickly - sometimes with an exothermic reaction, but that's not a
problem on white metal castings. Use a slow build up, a drop of glue then dunk in a heap
of bicarb. Continue until you have built up a little more than needed, file and sand to shape.
More can be added if needed.
Here you can see the diagonal line on the lower part where it's been built up. Some final
sanding will be done as I try to fit.
Geoff T
Remember ... I know nothing about railways.
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Interesting, Geoff. I've seen things on you tube about bi-carb and super glue, but never tried it. One for later.
That little loco's coming along very nicely. I've got one by Dapol (I think) with no room inside at all. But it does run nicely with a zimo decoder and a stay alive.
That little loco's coming along very nicely. I've got one by Dapol (I think) with no room inside at all. But it does run nicely with a zimo decoder and a stay alive.
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Hi peterm,
I think the Dapol versions were a magazine special. I missed them completely
as at the time was into big layouts.
I've never bothered with 'stay alive', but the Peckett W4's can't run over my Peco
set-track points due to both wheels on one side being on plastic !!
I've only used Bicarb & superglue in extreme circumstances, for damaged or missing
The last couple of photos for a while. Painting is slow and decals only ordered yesterday.
Only 3 parts still to go on, cab steps and the delicate chimney flip top. I'm going to see
if I have a suitable figure to be the driver.
Geoff T.
I think the Dapol versions were a magazine special. I missed them completely
as at the time was into big layouts.
I've never bothered with 'stay alive', but the Peckett W4's can't run over my Peco
set-track points due to both wheels on one side being on plastic !!
I've only used Bicarb & superglue in extreme circumstances, for damaged or missing
The last couple of photos for a while. Painting is slow and decals only ordered yesterday.
Only 3 parts still to go on, cab steps and the delicate chimney flip top. I'm going to see
if I have a suitable figure to be the driver.
Geoff T.
Remember ... I know nothing about railways.
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
I like the river detail,
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Same here. The idea looked good but I'm always a bit leary about YouTube videos. Now I know. Nice work, Geoff.Peterm wrote:
Interesting, Geoff. I've seen things on you tube about bi-carb and super glue, but never tried it. One for later.
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
The Sentinel is prototypically a serious build, but hell it should always be 'Fun'
So IF I can find a video of the Roxey Moulding 'Howard' running I will add, I expect
this to be followed by a video of the Sentinel, but painting still in progress on that.
Presenting the Hallingbury Tram in modified Internal Combustion form - A Roxey kit.
Another Roxey kit, 'Howard' from October 2015 !!
When it's done by next weekend - The Sentinel ?
I'll edit with the extra later.
Geoff T.
So IF I can find a video of the Roxey Moulding 'Howard' running I will add, I expect
this to be followed by a video of the Sentinel, but painting still in progress on that.
Presenting the Hallingbury Tram in modified Internal Combustion form - A Roxey kit.
Another Roxey kit, 'Howard' from October 2015 !!
When it's done by next weekend - The Sentinel ?
I'll edit with the extra later.
Geoff T.
Remember ... I know nothing about railways.
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
I have a bought plastic sentinel if you want a reference of its livery, it is UK.
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
That second video...
I've applied graphite to the track before but it never occurred to me to apply it to the wheels. Something else to fiddle with.
I've applied graphite to the track before but it never occurred to me to apply it to the wheels. Something else to fiddle with.
Re: Dad-1 - Workbench - West Bay Wagon Works
Hi Jaz,
Although it's not wise to use a model to make a model - always multiplies any dimensional errors
I do have the 'O' gauge Dapol model, that combined with a few photos on-line gives all I need.
Decals arrive this week.
I've tried all sorts of ideas, some work !!
Geoff T.
Although it's not wise to use a model to make a model - always multiplies any dimensional errors
I do have the 'O' gauge Dapol model, that combined with a few photos on-line gives all I need.
Decals arrive this week.
I've tried all sorts of ideas, some work !!
Geoff T.
Remember ... I know nothing about railways.
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a
http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... 22&t=32187 and Another on http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Fo ... &sk=t&sd=a