Hi Glyn,
An interesting idea, I've made one scratch built station which I'm using for North Fangore (Pictures can be seen in my layout thread) but I feel I can do something a little better now my knowledge has improved.
I still need to keep the kits simple as I would want everyone to get some use out of them, so I've made a start on the following proto-type, am I heading in the general direction you were thinking about ?
The kit comes in three sections, it has the main center building which then has a left & right building either side, these are all then glued together to form the station.It has several small blue an white canopies, the main entrance way from the platform to the street has some detail with a door & window (These can't be seen in this diagram)
I've got this kit to the stage where I print it & then build it making sure all my measurements are correct & everything fits together, it's also the stage where some modifications are then introduced to the kit.
If all goes to plan I'll have a go at building the kit & get some photos this weekend. If it's not quite what you are looking for I've also sketched another variant which I'll give a whirl later.
Must remember to get back to work on Wordsworth as it's been a while since I did anything.
If I could get some feed back, what do you think of the first Proto type ? (Station "Daisy")
Catch you all later,