Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Gents,

I've been beavering away extending the backscene not only down the right hand baseboard but also behind the coaling ramp / engine shed side of the layout.

I must admitt I was plannning not to reinstall the backscene here as it gives great opportunities for photo's from the other side of the baseboard but after much do I don't I questions it was installed, yes I've lost that options for photo's but I feel when viewed from the operators well it gives the trains a sense of passing by somewhere.

Have I been running trains during all this work, you bet I have. I installed the two 8 pin decoders into my new class 105, put onto the programming track & got both drive car & dummy car operating as one unit. Also had the 08 shunting back & forth along with the class 40. Then had to have a few tours around the layout with the A4, class 55 & finally the BR 7MT.

Slowly the layout feels like it's coming together, before getting too bogged down with the rest of the card structures I really think the track is due for it's weathering, then the ballast, but just before the ballast goes down I want to try something different to how I did the ballast work on my old layout.

We all know gluing down ballast & having card kits don't mix that well due to the water aspect, well I have what I think will be the solution, I plan on installing look alike cable / signal troughing, this is simplying strips of card glued to the baseboards & will sit just in front of the platform sections & sleeper ends. The card will then be first painted with pva to seal it, then be painted a grey colour to simulate the concrete its made from. I hope this will be sealed enough for when I put the ballast / glue in place.

Once all dried my card structure platforms etc will just slip into place against the cable/signal troughing & should look pretty good. I'll get some photo's showing what I mean later today once I venture into the loft.

Until then lets check out the photo's I have for you right now.

Wordsworth Station & Goods area is coming along very nicely.

The Rockware Glass facility extends down the right hand side of the baseboard, in the siding a few Bachmann BIS wagons.

The new backscene installed behind the coaling ramp salvaged from the old layout.

Also retained the old pond from the old layout.

Looking across the engine shed area of the layout.

Bachmann class 105 enters the shed area.

View from the fuel pump across the depot area.

The two main lines run down the right side of the picture, then we have the coaling ramp line, the loop into the shed area & also the goods line on the left.

Here we have the Bachmann class 105 waiting at platform 3.

Well that's it for today, will catch you all later.
Last edited by mikem64 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by ZeldaTheSwordsman »

The new layout looks well. That grand Wordsworth Station is coming together nicely - sort of a shame that it doesn't have acetate windows like the original effort from back when that was to be Southern Fangore, but on the other hand with the lack of an interior they're not exactly missed too much. In any case, it's very much shaping up to be a station befitting the top-end express trains you're capable of assembling with your carriage fleet.

Regarding lighting, do you have any plans to acquire some LEDs whose light is a bit warmer in color? The cold blue-white color light of the ones I've seen you use isn't accurate for certain lighting.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Troopers,

Well it's another very quick update with not much to tell. I seem to have found the time for the loft but I've misplaced my mojo for getting work done, I'm sure it will come back & I can get to work adding greenry & buildings.

In the meantime here are a few snaps showing some work I have done.

First bay section of the new engine shed comes together.

Nice view showing the roof supports to which the next section bolts onto.

We test the section out on the layout, looking pretty good I'd say.

Three diesels test out their new home for size.....LOL

This is a quick peek from inside the shed with the roof off.

I have been working on a new house bound for the layout, this is version 1 of the design which I'm very happy with, the build quality is good & the speed at which it can be built is also very good. I'm more than happy with this new design as it can be built quickly as a set of semi detached house or very quickly converted into a long row of terraces, good for railway workers cottages.

So below shows the first build.

The new semi detached / terrace row for a scene being developed on the new layout.

A quick look on the layout

Testing out how quickly it converts into a terrace row.

Back onto the work bench making the row even longer.

So all I need is to get the ground work complete on the layout & I can really start with all these interesting building ideas I have for the layout.

Sorry for upload & dash but I'm doing this as I cook dinner for myself & good lady wife.

Hope you enjoy & I'll catch you all later, I'll also upload more photo's into the kit thread later showing some of the build phases used in the engine shed & the new Railwaymens Cottages.
Last edited by mikem64 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Troopers,

Well I'm back to basics at Wordsworth which means the first section of ballast laying has finally started. This is a very slow & boring process & it has all come flooding back how much I hate this bit, but with a bit of time, effort & loads of coffee it will soon be done & the more enjoyable part of modelling can start, yes the green stuff.

I've only done the first two lines coming into Wordsworth station, by that I mean from curve track in to curve track out. Next will be the second pair of main lines coming into the station, & then onto the goods line.

I'll then be able to rotate 90 degrees & start the next bit of ballast, so on until I do a full 360 ending up back at Wordsworth station.

So here are the first early signs of my new ballast work.

First thing is using a hot glue gun to fix in place my card cable trunk work.

This gives me a cable trunking feature which my old layout never had, but also helps contain the ballast through the station meaning the platforms will fit back nicely without problems.

Note the cable trunking gets painted with some grey emulsion paint which I hope will help seal the card once I start with PVA & water, I'll let you know how this ends.

I've built myself a little ballast spreader out of 2mm card, nice & simple but it does help get a nice even ballast spread.

First scoop load spread & a second refill already loaded into the new patented Wordsworth tool.... :lol:

Ballast completed on the first lines, now for the PVA mix, lets hope that emulsion works.

Well there you have it, my how to on Wordsworth Ballasting. Don't worry about the screws, as once the glue has dried I whip out the screws & dab a small spot of pva & then fill/cover with ballast, worked a treat on my old layout.

Once this section is dry I'm eager to give my new airbrush that long awaited test, track weathering. On my old layout I did the rails before the ballasting but I notice many do the weathering after the ballast has been laid, therefore this layout I'm going to try this method.

If I can't do the weathering this way on this first short stretch at least I can revert back to a method I used before.

See you in my next update.
Last edited by mikem64 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Gents,

I seem to be having a problem up loading photo's into my thread, I keep getting the error message

It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image.

So I thought I'd test the issue by using an image that's already loaded in an earlier update & still receive the same error. Am I doing something wrong as I'm using the usual method I've used in the past.

Thank you.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by Lancastrian »

No it's not you, see HERE
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by Bufferstop »

Hi Mike, we also have a problem with email notifications again. It could possibly be a server disk space problem, so I've kicked it upstairs for investigation.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Gents,

Well I see the tech guys have been busy & sorted the little glinch in the photo size problem, thank you.

So what's been happening here at Wordsworth since the black out.....LOL

I've decided to switch tactics & resort back to my old style of modelling, this means when I go into the loft I do what I fancy doing at that particular time, even if this means I'm doing something out of sync. I don't care as I know this works as the old layout is testiment to this process, guess what ? It actually works as I've got more done within a few weekends that I what I achieved since the start of this new venture.

So what have I been doing, I've had my new toy deployed, by this I mean my new compressor & tank, attached to this I have my new Harder & Steenbeck airbrush. With this combo I've been trying out my skill at track weathering, & not to blow my own trumpet I'm well over the moon with the effect I've achieved. :D

I've also started a spot of scenery to start greening up the layout, it's one little corner around the North Junction area of the layout. It was whilst I was doing this small section I realised this is what I love the most about modelling, yes that's right turning the bare boards into something lush & green....but in minature.

So lets show you some of my work.

First lets look at some track weatherng.

Then is was time to add some groundwork to give a little height.

Painting the rock faces with an acrylic wash.

Out came the Wordsworth Static grass applicator along with a covering of various scenic flocks, trees & bushes.

Slowly I work my way down to the main junctions.

Then it was time to work my way back up the opposite side of the track towards the coaling ramp.

I think the effect is starting to work well.

Here we have a Hornby J94 Saddle Tank rolling through the scenic section....Now that's better.

A Bachmann Class 08 rolls by on the main line.

For those who are not bored to death & want to see more photo's, well I've uploaded plenty within my Photobucket account.

That's all I have for you, hope you enjoyed this little update & I'm sure I'll have more to follow in the next few weeks as I can really feel that scenic buzz at the moment :lol: .

Cheer for now.
Last edited by mikem64 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by Bufferstop »

You have arrived at a very important principle "It's my hobby, my layout and I'll do it my way", and if that makes you happy then who can say that's not the right way. Nice to see the progress
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Gents,

Believe it or not I have a very tiny update on some work I carried out here at Wordsworth. Given it's been Easter & having 4 days off from work I managed to get a few hours away from it all & climbed the ladders into heaven......well the loft at least. :lol:

I looked around & thought this visit I wanted to do something creative so I decided on scenic work. First task was to get the airbrush out & weather the lastest bit of ballast work I'd resently done, oh how I love this new found piece of equipment.

Next I had a short piece of backscene to instal completing the section up to base board end along the west side of the layout. After a quick rumage through some stored kits I salvaged the two low relief industrial units & two workers cottages. Time to build a small cameo scene, so I printed off some of my own design concrete slab paper & road surface paper.

Using some 1.5mm card as a sub base I cut it for a little section of bare baseboard right at the end of the layout. I glued down the concrete sheeting & road section, poped on the two cottages & two industrial units, OK the units are a little too modern for my layout but the scene felt right so in it goes.

The industrial unit needed a hedge row put round it with a small opening onto the road.

Once I had reached this stage it was time to glue it onto the baseboard in it's final position, normally I use contact evo stick but I've found so cheap no nails works.

Whilst going through the boxes I found some telegraph poles so why not, in they went. Next up was the grasses / bushes & trees, so out cam my large collection of materials & I set to gluing everything in place with PVA. I've used a mixture of flock from Woodland scenic, java, Noch & gaugemaster. The static grass is my own mixture blended together using 4mm & 6mm lengths, the grass is by WWS which comes in good sized bags. I applied the grass with my home made applicator which has been super tool for the job at hand.

I used some peco fence to run between the industrial units up to the Rockware Glass works building.

I wish I could have done more but like I said I only had a few hours, still I feel the layout has moved forward yet another step, so lets have a look at my handy work.

Here is the little industrial units opposite Coal Road Cottages.

The static grass stands to attentions, with a nice view down to the cottages.

Here I test the new view with the Rockware BIS wagons down the new siding.

Well that's it, hope you've enjoyed this little update & I'll catch you all later.

Last edited by mikem64 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by SR/ScR Fan »

The layout is looking fantastic Mike! Really like the trees and rock faces.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by Dad-1 »

Just a few hours Ehh Mike !!

Wish I could get that much done in a few hours. Looking great as we expect from you.
I could complain and say too long a gaps between postings, but if you have to work
Then so be it.

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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Troopers,

Well this can't be I hear you all say....Oh yes I managed to hide myself away in the loft for a few hours again, I could get used to this......LOL

But before the update, thank you for all the kind great feedback / comments. I know it's my layout & I will do what every I fancy , most of which is never proto typical anyway but knowing others find something that I am doing on Wordsworth is interesting gives me a buzz.

So what did I do with my few hours, I would like to think I've been productive so lets start the ball rolling.

The latest outcrop I added last weekend made from styrene & covered it in plaster has completely dried, basically it's something to divide track work & give the trains the illusion of running through countryside, is now ready for painting. This was acheived in the usual way of leopard spot painting the surface using Burnt Umber & Yellow Ocre, once dried I gave it a colour wash of matt black acrylic.

I then moved on & did some more scenery work between the main line & the run round loop / goods sidings & Loco sheds. This was more static grass with my mix of 6mm & 4mm lengths in colour shades, summer mix, spring mix & patchy. Also used were ther usual scatter material by Woodland Scenic in the form of flock & underbush / clump foilage. Add the odd laser cut plant by Noch / Gaugemaster gives a nice touch.

Whilst the glue was drying on the scenery I started to paint the castle tower, I'm using the same paint as the rock fascia but this time using Yellow Ocre as the base colour, on top of that I apply some Burnt Umber, then I've airbrushed a fine coat of black over the whole painted area, with just the odd darker patch, really like the effect it's starting to get, once done I'll continue the same process with the upper tower.

So whilst the castle tower is put to one side for paint to dry it was time to dig out the pond area which sits in the grounds of Wordsworth Church yard, basically I cut out the shape I wanted from the 3mm cork underlay & pulled the inner section out leaving a good convincing pond. Next it was a case of applying some paint first by hand, then completing the effect I wanted with the airbrush (My new best tool ever purchased....LOL)

I was the stuck waiting for this paint to dry fully I started the static grass over the new outcrop, once again using the same mixture as before. This static grass applicator works a treat & cost no where near the price of those big boys in the market.

I moved back to the pond now the paint was dry & started to add some rushes, I didn't have the colour I really wanted so I used what I had in hand. OK it's second best but I do like the look so far. That's as far as I could go as everywhere had something waiting to dry & to be honest time had run out as I had been summoned back down stairs.

So it's that time within the update to show off some lovely pic's.... :lol:

The latest outcropping in the bare....

The scenic work between main line & goods / loco sheds.

Scenery bewteen the railway lines.
The pond gets started & that rock outcrop in the distance has some paint.

Basic pond shape with the painted detailing.

Some detailing added in the form of pond reeds & a tree on the tiny island.

The castle keep with the start of detailed weathering, also the rock outcrop before static grass.
Class 08 shunts behind the outcrop showing why I wanted the outcrop in the first place. still some more detailing to add once the glue dries.

So there you have it, another whirl wind update on the basic progress here at Wordsworth. Hope everyone gets something from this posting in one form or another & I'll catch you all again very soon.

Last edited by mikem64 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Gents,

A very tiny update which is mainly in the form of the church yard pond. I bought myself some realistic water by Woodland scenic after reading some great reviews & watching some YouTube videos on the product.

My impressions are this, expensive...."Yes", product result....."Abosultely stunning"

As you know I prepared the pond as previous update, but what I didn't know at the time was this Woodland scenic product reacts badly if it comes into contact with PVA, as used in glueing down the pond reeds....DOH

But one of the tutorial videos I watched said if you seal the area with acrylic varnish it will be OK. I can confirm this tip is quite correct as I've not had any whiting of the water. I need to put a link to this video & some of the other videos this man has made regards scenery as they are stunning, will do this in the scenery thread section.

Anyway back to the pond, I poured my first layer about three days after my last post, this set lovely & required it's final layer to bring it up to the 3mm depth I required. This second layer I applied last Saturday, I got up early as I had to be at my daughter's later that morning doing some DIY work. So the pond pouring, I made sure the surface was clear & got my bottle, poured out the fluid up to cork level, using a small pin I pulled the fluid up to the edges & around the reeds, looked great.

I sat down to take in the work & started to think, that first layer I put down wasn't as milky as this second layer. For a few minutes I was trying to recall the first pour & what I did, convinced everthing was OK I put the lid back on the bottle & went to place it back with the other scenery products I had. It was at this point I was horrified to find the Woodland scenic realistic water bottle already there........ :shock: Well if that bottle is there what have I in my hand, looking at this bottle I realised why the colour was so milky, I'd just poured Woodland scenic cement all over the pond as the second layer...... :o

Panic set in & I mopped up all the scenic glue with some blue tissue, then darted down the ladders & brought up some clean water (Real water from the tap) I then soaked some blue tissue paper in the water & had to clean the full surface area to remove every last drop of this PVA cement.....What an idiot...... :oops:

So had to leave the pond to dry & went to my daughters for a day doing DIY.

Sunday morning I was up early again thinking about the error I made yesterday with the glue over the pond. Well lady luck must have been on my side as the surface was still clear with no fogging at all. I decided to test my luck & poured the final layer, checking the label on the bottle at least three times.

Friday evening I went into the loft to see if luck was on my side, well I'll let you be the judge, here are some photo's

View across the pond to the church

A closer look at some wildlife on the pond.

The vicar takes time for a spot of fishing

How the pond relates to the church & surrounding area.

I won't be doing anything today as it's the wife's birthday so having a little birthday bash with the family, but tomorrow work continues as I need to glue the church yard wall into place so I can start the green scenic work around the pond.

So time to sign off, hope you enjoy reading about my error & I'll catch you all later.

Last edited by mikem64 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Gents,

Well I'm writing this evening purely out of frustration with my layout & the lack of time I'm getting to work on it. You may or may not be aware I'm having some issues with the Cobalt motors & my birthday present Hornby A4 Golden Eagle fitted with a Olivas sound decoder, seems there is some sort of conflict between them.

The A4 went back to Hattons for repair, it had what I thought was an electrical fault, but also it began to make a grinding noise whilst moving, then on a straight piece of track it jerky violently nearly throwing itself of the track, hence its return to Hattons.

Well today I had some time off work & thought I'd sneak into the loft, so I started a little more scenic work. Not long into the work the postman brought my model back from Hattons. The exchanged the loco swapping over the sound decoder.

I was eager to test it out so I stopped what I was doing, put the loco on the track, tested the sound setting, all ok, got the loco to move & straight away the damn Cobalts started to wrrr back & forth.

How the layout survived I do not know as in shear frustration I began thumping the baseboards with a hammer that was close by........... :oops:

I sat down for 5 mins thinking how or if I should carry on with this layout, I then decided I would carry on but not with digit point motors, within 10 mins I had all the Cobalts removed, ESU reset & started to seek my old Seep point motors, yes I'm going back to my tried & tested method.

Well that's my moan over with, I'm in no mood to post photos tonight so I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Sad & disgruntled modeller.
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