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Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:15 pm
by heda
At last a bit of progress on the board itself, some wood planking across the points tie bars, I've got point levers to add but that will be one of the last jobs as the are very breakable. Most of the ballasting finished just the last little bit once the cobblestones are laid on the quay.
The delay on the layout was due to the other end of the board I didn't want the road to be a dead end but trying to get it to disappear into the distance wasn't working, I know there are ways of doing it but none that I could make look acceptable, then an idea struck me, fork the road, the left side to the quay and the right side hidden by trees.



Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 6:22 am
by Chops
Those pallets add much ambience. Splendid work, if I may say. What is that circular thing? It speaks "ancient antiquity," from what I see.

Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:49 pm
by heda
Sorry to disappoint you Chops but the 'circular thing' is no older than early 1940's. It's where the anti aircraft gun goes, check back on page 2.
Thank you for the compliment re the pallets, turned out to be a cheap (free) and effective way of making cargo.

Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:42 pm
by heda
I was planning on a brick wall at the end of the harbour but it didn't look right so decided to have a go at low relief building.
Two pieces of mounting card, one cut out to accommodate doors and windows. The cargo doors are N gauge planking which along with the windows and doors came from the odds and ends box. Still needs painting before sticking the brickwork in place then attach to the baseboard.





Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:16 pm
by heda
More progress on the three bombed houses. The downstairs of the first house is finished, the other two are in various stages of destruction.
I've been working on another couple of old buildings, painting and adding lighting but nothing very interesting to show there yet.




Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 3:51 pm
by heda
More work done on the bomb damaged houses. There about ready to go on the board, just some weathering to do. Once there in place I'll add a lot of debris.
The low relief goods shed has been painted up and fitted at the end of the quay. Starting to see progress now but a long way to go yet.






Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:52 pm
by heda
In the first two pictures none of the buildings are stuck down but they've all been positioned on the board to see how they will fit. A thin piece of polystyrene stuck around the bombed houses and painted a brick colour to raise the level of debris. The footpath is Metcalf paving, in the last picture it has been weathered with a black wash, the bombed houses have been stuck in place and some bits of broken plastic to represent broken rendering and broken slaters brick wall stuck down along with some wooden joists. And the wrinkled backscene has been replaced





Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 4:51 pm
by heda
The base layer of debris has been laid, mainly consisting of pieces of broken plastic from the houses to represent rendering, some broken Slaters brick walling and split coffee stirrers plus some broken furniture and doors.




Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 5:15 pm
by heda
Taking a break from bombed houses. The old Airfix pub had some small modifications, some windows covered over or replaced with smaller ones, some signs added, being opposite the harbour The Ship Inn seemed appropriate. Next was add some gates and walls once the roof has been weathered it will be stuck in place.




Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:11 pm
by heda
A little break from modelling as had some work done on the house followed by a lovely week in Devon with Grandson then came home and got hit with Covid. Recovering now but feeling to washed out to do much.

Some small progress though, some bricks added to the bombed houses, a bit more detailing to do but nearly complete. Rather than bury everything under debris I plan to have people clearing away the wreckage.





Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:45 am
by glencairn
Great looking scene with the bombed out houses, heda. I hope nobody was injured.

Don't forget to add some brick dust, household effects etc. to the path and road. Neighbouring property would be affected wiyh brick dust also.

Well done.


Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:29 pm
by heda
Thank you Glencairn. Glad to say there were no casualties, everyone was sheltering although naturally upset to see the devastation. The house to the left has a bed (blue bed cover covered in soot) the middle house has a wardrobe that is now downstairs on the broken floor and the house to the right has a broken table, I've got some other bits of furniture to add anything salvageable will probably be stacked in the back gardens. I'm planning to add brick dust, two more buildings to stick down first then I can finish painting the road then ready for the dust. I did think to use chalk dust but my wife had a rummage in her make up box and came up with some sort of face powder that looks exactly the right colour so I shall be using that.


Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:57 pm
by glencairn
Ah yes! Wives to the rescue with some make-up. :) A multitude of uses. :lol:


I remember being told (by family) of Marsh Lane Goods Yard in Leeds being bombed. One night in 1940 the Woodpecker Inn (next door) was severely damaged. The Woodpecker was soon repaired, but the goods yard took longer. :) Anyway when the goods yard was repaired, three days later German bombers were back.
This time Marsh Lane was flattened. Schrapnel from the bombs was found in the walls of the Woodpecker; remaining there until the Inn was demolished in the 1990s.


Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:14 pm
by Dad-1
Coming along very well.
That is a complex pile of parts !!

Geoff T.

Re: Canford Quay

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 1:17 pm
by heda
The village hall (with a flickering fire) has been stuck in place so just the garage to sort out now then I can start on the scenics. I'm keen to start work on the quay itself but as it's at the front of the board I know I'll end up spilling paint or glue on it if so I need to get the back finished first.



