Pete's layout No. 3, The train to Holstenwall

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Post by Infrontcat »

Ijdagger wrote:Does Paddington bear know you`ve knicked his suitcase
Sharp as Daggers again IJ :wink:

Love this insane little project Pete! Its all twisted and warped...rather like me.. :twisted:

Cheers mate

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Post by Pete »


Holstenwall now has some more substantial buildings:





and the suitcase is coming on too....


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Post by bunji »

Excellent! I remember seeing those in the lego films. :D How did you make them; they look more computerised than the hand drawn nature of the initial 2D buildings? Is that Scrabble I see in the background? :D
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Post by dr5euss »

There's a packet of Cooks Matches in the 2nd pic, I think he's been having some late night gambling sessions with Sid :wink:
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Post by Pete »


Yep, it is indeed Scrabble, I've become a big fan, but Sid is a very poor loser, just because you don't spell CAT:- JQX


The buildings are all made from 1.5mm card, and covered will dolls house papers, the windows and doors are made from layered brown/grey/cream 0.25mm card, all from HobbyCraft:


The Cert in the background is my wife's nothing to do with me. (That's not to say I don't have a few myself, but I'm more subtle about it than my wife !:wink: )

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Post by bunji »

Ah, thanks for the clarification, Pete. :)

I've got the same Scrabble Dictionary as you - Dad bought it specially to prove to mum that 'dink' is a real word. I love Scrabble, although I'm absolutely shoddy at it. Dad never believes me when I say 'vqurrl' is a cross between a giraffe and a ferret. :(
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Post by Ijdagger »

Without going through the thread again, someone mentioned tim burton eaq about this layout.

And after viewing another spiderman train on another thread i cam across this.

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Post by Pete »


I like Tim Burton a lot, but he's not influenced my layout, he's drawing from the same original source as me, German Expressionist cinema of the 1920s.

That set looks good fun though!

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Post by dr5euss »

There was me thinking we were getting an update!

Is this one finished now, Pete?
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Post by Pete »

Sorry George

No, I don't think it will ever be completely finished more a case of an on-going project. I'm not 100% happy with style of the buildings, I'm toying with 2D again.

At the moment it's all systems go on Paris.

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Train to Holstenwall

Post by ant »


I've just re-discovered this site: Wow! It has grown so much!. I think the last time I saw it there were three layouts on the members layouts section of the ... ayouts.htm site with Lee's layout being the most recent.

I have a lot of of catching up to do....

But anyway I digress. I found this layout and idea of Pete's absolutely fantastic and read the entire thread through only to be slightly disappointed that it's not yet complete.

Any chance of finishing this one Pete?

Anyway I found myself thinking about the entire project and started to have some ideas of my own that I felt I had to share.

Firstly the name of the layout. I'm not sure if it was called the Train To Holstenstein and is now called the Train To Holstenwall or whether the Holstenstein was a typo in the early postings but anyway my idea would be to call it the Night Train to Holstenstein but in german which I think would make it :

Nacht Zug Zu Holstenstein. I can see that in some suitable Gothic script and the double Z's could make it look really scary perhaps.

Secondly: how about making the buildings out of tinplate. I think the 2D variations could be particularly effective this way and if you bend the tinplate outwards at the base would be self supporting. I've no idea where you get tinplate from other than tin cans of course but I guess you could flatten cans out and solder two sheets back to back. Just avoid the corrugated type.

Thirdly I wonder if the circle of track is a bit too large and needs a large number of buildings to create the various scenes. Also the track looks a bit too regular. How about some narrow gauge style HO track with the usual rough sleepers if you can get set track versions of that. Alternatively you could distress the regular track in some way. I'm not sure what is the minimum radius for the Fleischmann magic train but it's short wheelbase would suggest something quite tight.

Finally I was wondering about the 'baseboard'. Now I know it's a train set in a battered old suitcase so a baseboard is not possible but how about a circle of cloth? I see a faded dark grey circle with the track marked out in a lighter shade of bleached grey. I also see cobblestone type streets with the gaps between the cobbles picked out in the same way.

As to how you might make this: I guess you could lay out the track on the grey cloth and some mesh type material (chicken wire perhaps) for the cobble streets: Spray the whole lot with some waterproofing agent, let that dry, remove the tracks and 'streets' and then spray the unprotected cloth with a weak bleach solution. Hmm... might take a few attempts to get this right.

I see the train running between (and round ) the scary buildings of Holstenstein (or Holstenwall) which of course could be arranged in different ways each time it is used.

Well I hope someone finds these ideas interesting and that I get a better nights sleep. Thinking about this layout has woken me up in the middle of the night for the last two nights!! Still I guess it was supposed to do that .

Oh and one other idea. How about some sort of lighting. In a darkened room with dark buildings and dark 'baseboard' that could be really scary!!

Sorry to go on at such length...

Kind Regards

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Post by Pete »


A long post, so deserves a good reply!
Firstly the name of the layout. I'm not sure if it was called the Train To Holstenstein and is now called the Train To Holstenwall or whether the Holstenstein was a typo in the early postings but anyway my idea would be to call it the Night Train to Holstenstein but in german which I think would make it :

Nacht Zug Zu Holstenstein. I can see that in some suitable Gothic script and the double Z's could make it look really scary perhaps.
The name of the town is Holstenwall, it is taken from an early Expressionist film by Robert Weine. I think your right if I called it anything else it was a typo. The name ‘Train to Holstenwall’ is part of the ‘idea’, the train never stops because it goes in a loop, so it’s an intended oxymoron to call it the train to Holstenwall, it’s part of the disjuncture of the concept. I had considered various names such as Der Zug des Alpträume, but I liked the train to Holstenwall best. I thought about doing it all in German, but it’s meant to be a toy, so this is the GB import version!!! :D
Secondly: how about making the buildings out of tinplate. I think the 2D variations could be particularly effective this way and if you bend the tinplate outwards at the base would be self supporting. I've no idea where you get tinplate from other than tin cans of course but I guess you could flatten cans out and solder two sheets back to back. Just avoid the corrugated type.
I’m not satisfied with the buildings, they were fun to build but they are not ‘Expressionist’ enough for me, I like the idea of tinplate, some thin aluminum would do it, and I could easily cut it easily too, an idea worth giving serious consideration. I tried carving some wooden ones too, but not with much success.
I wonder if the circle of track is a bit too large and needs a large number of buildings to create the various scenes. Also the track looks a bit too regular. How about some narrow gauge style HO track with the usual rough sleepers if you can get set track versions of that. Alternatively you could distress the regular track in some way. I'm not sure what is the minimum radius for the Fleischmann magic train but it's short wheelbase would suggest something quite tight.
The track is the track it came with, pre-ballasted, it’s not great, but it retains the toy trainset look, but some old steel track would probably be better. The Magic train will pull round a v tight rad though.
I was wondering about the 'baseboard'. Now I know it's a train set in a battered old suitcase so a baseboard is not possible but how about a circle of cloth? I see a faded dark grey circle with the track marked out in a lighter shade of bleached grey. I also see cobblestone type streets with the gaps between the cobbles picked out in the same way.

As to how you might make this: I guess you could lay out the track on the grey cloth and some mesh type material (chicken wire perhaps) for the cobble streets: Spray the whole lot with some waterproofing agent, let that dry, remove the tracks and 'streets' and then spray the unprotected cloth with a weak bleach solution. Hmm... might take a few attempts to get this right.
Yep, thought about a baseboard, I was thinking of a split cardboard board that fitted into the top of the suitcase or the box. It could be double sided to suit the scene. Just haven’t got round to exploring this idea fully.
I see the train running between (and round ) the scary buildings of Holstenstein (or Holstenwall) which of course could be arranged in different ways each time it is used.
Again this is just off the idea a bit, the concept is that the train circles but doesn’t go to Holstenwall.
Well I hope someone finds these ideas interesting and that I get a better nights sleep. Thinking about this layout has woken me up in the middle of the night for the last two nights!! Still I guess it was supposed to do that .
Well if your thinking about it, then that’s good, it’s the whole idea. It doesn’t work that well in pictures, you need to see it in reality, and in conjunction with the contents of the box, the postcards, ration tickets, books, maps, etc etc. It all adds the experience, you make up the story yourself, you try to interpret it. Of course the whole thing is a complete fabrication, the ultimate answer is that there is no point, it’s just a random collection of mutually exclusive items. I'm not 100% certain why I started it now either :?

Unfortunately it’s on a long list of half started projects and ideas, I only think of it when I see something interesting to go in the box!

Thanks for taking an interest. Your ideas are great, why not have a go at building one yourself, it becomes addictive after a bit, and you don't have to worry about your GWR pannier tanker being the wrong shade of blue either, because if anyone criticizes you can just say they lack imagination. :wink:

The video!Posted before, but gives an idea of what's going on


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Post by ant »


Glad you like some of the ideas. Hope you regain some enthusiasm or find just the right part to inspire you to finish it.
Pete wrote:
I see the train running between (and round ) the scary buildings of Holstenstein (or Holstenwall) which of course could be arranged in different ways each time it is used.
Again this is just off the idea a bit, the concept is that the train circles but doesn’t go to Holstenwall.
Maybe I'm a little off track (haha) on this one. I got it that the train does not go to Holstenwall but I assumed that you meant that there was no station and that the train never stopped. I didn't see any reason why the train shouldn't at least enter the city (town?) of Holstenwall and run through some of the outer streets. I just thought that if some of the buildings had sort of archways through them with the train running through (like city gates perhaps) then you could have little self contained scenes around the town.

Still it's your idea and it was and remains excellent.

Oh and BTW I think you might need some points on this one or it's going to be pretty boring to operate :D I seem to recall you saying much the same to young randomman.

I doubt very much if I could do the idea justice myself but I may add it to my considerable list of unstarted projects. I seem to have nearly as many of these as you have unfinished ones. At least you make a start and usually a very good one.

Oh and what do you mean "My GWR Pannier tank is the wrong shade of blue"? I'll have you know it is exactly the right shade of blue !!

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Post by joshing_man »

One of my favourite layouts because it is soooo different.

I think the single loop is there for two reasons, one because it never gets anywhere and two because if I remember rightly it's meant to be a childs toy train set. A starter oval with a twist given by that dark and strange uncle!

Pete, thanks for popping back and for reminding us what we have been missing these last few weeks.


ps Promise no more sycophancy! :P
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Post by dr5euss »

Ooooh, was that an edit? :shock:

Could've sworn it read sommat like 'Good to see you back Pete! We need variety and your layouts provide exactly that.' :?:

I'll put me spoon away :P
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