Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Have any questions or tips and advice on how to build those bits that don't come ready made.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Bufferstop »

Ian 'll let Mike answer on how thick is his preferred card, but there is very little correlation betwen thickness and weight. You can get 80gsm paper which is decidedly thinner than 70gsm. It's all down to the final rollers when it's finished. Best to establish the thickness with a pair of calipers. You can get a set ideal for many modelling tasks for a tenner, great for back to backs and check rail clearances as well.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by ianb26 »

Hi Bufferstop, thanks for reply. The last couple of kits, I have used the 1.9mm card. I checked the thickness of a Metcalfe kit and it was about 1.45mm. So it likes like I'll stick with what I have.

Your answer was similar to what I got in an email from Mike.

Thanks again.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by GreenBR »

300gsm card would be somewhere in the region of .014" or about .33mm.

Apparently my memory has been degraded - so i am not stupid after all - what a relief!

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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by ianb26 »

Hi Mike,

I've nearly completed the low relief house from a few years ago. I am doing the one with the bay windows option, but I am confused with one part. The part of the bay windows where it says "Bay window area". Where does that fit into the overall kit? You did post some photos but back then photobucket said these images were not available.

Your video of the construction of the basic kit was very good, but unfortunately it didn't contain the assembly of the bay windows part. :(

Do you have any photos of the assembly of the bay windows? If so could you email them to me, or maybe put them on here. Or does anyone have any photos they could post in a viewable form?

As an aside, why were the Photobucket photos unable to be viewed?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Doghouse »

ianb26 asked "Bay window area". Where does that fit into the overall kit?
I'm sure by now you will have solved the problem but perhaps this image of my compleated model will be of some help.


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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by ianb26 »

Thanks Doghouse.

I had an idea that was the way it was assembled, Mike confirmed it for me with his latest build video. My version has some minor alterations with the windows cut out - albeit not very neat - to take clear glazing for interior lighting. Even if I say so myself, it looks good.

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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Bufferstop »

As an aside, why were the Photobucket photos unable to be viewed?
A couple of years ago Photobucket pulled a rotten trick, after years of encouraging people to store their images and embed them into their web sites they decided that only the owner and people who paid for the privilege could view them. If you wanted to carry on using them on your website then you would have to pay a not inconsiderable monthly fee. It caused a lot of people a lot of time and trouble to modify their sites to use pictures from elsewhere and we assume lost them a lot of customers in the process, (I've yet to come across anyone who paid them to carry on). Months later they started inviting people to use a new service which did not do what we all wanted.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Morning Model Railway Fans,

It's been a while since a new kit was launched so good news today one will be available Friday or Saturday 27th / 28th March. It was to be launched first week of March but work commitments & all the issues happening in the UK meant time taken away from my modelling. I hope everyone is fine. I know a few people that are now self isolating as per NHS advise, thankfully they've not tested positive so that's good news.

So what do we have today. This is a kit I've wanted to build for quite some time, it's very much out of period for Wordsworth but I will be using once I have my new extension boards in place. Today I show you my version of a locomotive / rolling stock wash plant. I may have it completely wrong but it's only a loosely based model.

So less talk lets have a look what's coming. Also I'll be uploading a full "Lets build a Card Kit" video of this should anyone want to see how it's done.

Here is the basic building without the roof, showing roof supporting legs & the high pressure spray rails.

Here's the entrance view with the roof on

Here we look from one of the sides.

Now we have a corner on view.

I found this to be a very good build & enjoyed the process. You will need to take time when cutting out the inner / outer frame pieces but it looks great when done this way.

I hope you all enjoy this new release, and there are more to come.

All the best,
Wordsworth Model Railway Free Downloadable Card Kits can be found at here
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by NedFlanders »

That looks fantastic Mike.

All I need to do now is find an excuse to have it somewhere......
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Ken »

Hi I'm new to the forum and would like to start off by saying thank you for making your card kits available for free download.

I am about to start buidling the Wordsworth Large Station (v3) kit but am using it as the basis of a Midland Railway Goods Warehouse! I've just about worked out how I need to modify the componants and this promises to be a fun project!

Once again, thanks for producing the artwork and making it available,

All the best,
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Morning Troopers on this lovely quiet Sunday morning. Long time since I posted here so I thought I'd do a quick update. Some may know that a new Ryal Mail Post Office Building has been uploaded onto the website in the Railside pages. It was designed for use on my own layout Wordsworth & it's turned out just what I wanted. Below is a quick picture sitting against platform 1

Wordsworth Royal Mail Building, now all the parcels & mail wagons/coaches have a delivery point on the layout.

I'm currently now doing the scenic work around this side of the layout. One more structure required which will be part of my video series on YouTube.

Also just finished after many years a kit that formed a three part kit build but only two were completed. The completed two were the WH Smith Newstand & the platform ticket office. Now I've completed the third part to finish this set off & it's the platform clock. Below you can see it on platform 1 at Wordsworth next too the Newsagent stand.

This one's not on the website just yet, plan to do this Friday 19th June if all goes well. Can't do this weekend as I'm having a few hours for myself working on Wordsworth Layout.

So lets see the platform clock.

Two of the three part kit set sat together on platform 1.

Forgot to mention the Royal Mail Building has a YouTube "Lets build a card kit" for those needing help, so please check this video out.

Hope you all enjoy this quick update, stay safe & keep modelling.
Cheers Mike.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by MarklinPeter »

hope every thing is ok Mike we have not heard from you since June . hope health is good.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Horologist »

Likewise, I hope Mike is okay, I use his kits on my n gauge layout almost exclusively.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by ghutchi1 »

Yes, I hope you are well Mike, I also use lots of Mike's kits as they are very high quality compared to many of the others seen online.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Good Morning to all,

Well I know it's been a very long time since any official updates here & only one new kit uploaded onto my website which is a lovely water tower which I needed for a small area on my layout Wordsworth.

So what have I been doing ? I'll be honest and say most of my spare time has been in the garden trying to forget about all this crazy Covid-19 that's got the whole world in such a mess.

I've been working all the way through lock down 1 due to my job. We've had quite a few close calls with collegues catching the virus & you sit & wait to see if you've caught it, so with the stress I found sitting in my garden lisening to the birds, wind blowing through the plants & the gold fish in my pond topping making splashing noises, well very relaxing & I could believe we were all living normal lives & not lock down.

It was during this period I was chatting with my lovely wife about future plans once lockdown goes away (Hopefully by next year) We were part of the VW Camper van scene 20years ago, we had 4 vehicles which we converted ourselves from van to camper over a few months. Three vans were Bay window Type 2's, or last was a Type 25 one of the very last aircooled models.

Given the memories we had all those years ago we've decided to by ourselves a new van. So many hours & months were spent in the garden on our laptop doing research. We finally found what we were locking for early September & purchased a VW T6.1 Kombi, or next part was to find a company to carry out a customer conversion for us which we've have now done. Our vehicke goes in on Feb 2021 & will be ready for collection end of Mar 2021.

So that's where nearly all my time has been going every day. So have I given up on my layout & kit website, the answer is no, I've just renewed my website hosting for another two years along with the website host name.

I'm still working on my own layout but no where near the hours I did before, but that's OK as I knew this version of Wordsworth was going to be more long term. Regards kits, as I said I uplaoded a new water tower a few weeks back, I hope to do a Lets build a card kit eposide this week, & if I can just get the roof finsihed on the Rose cottage kit I would hope I could do one for this too before uploading to the website.

I'm still doing the low relief warehouse which is very close, which is good because I will soon need this to complete the layout section against the back left hand side wall of my layout.

I'll also try & grab a few photo's showing the scenic work I've been doing in this area, maybe also show off some goodies I've had bought by my lovely wife & my grown up kids for my birthday back in July this year.

I think this waffle of mine will help show I'm very much still active & the modelling still goes on, but I've also a new hobby in my VW van life.

So as we now enter Lockdown 2 all I can say to everyone, please stay safe, wash yours hands regular, wear those face coverings & keep your space. I know if we all do our part we can beat this virus, I'm not sure we will every return to pre covid-19 living but we will all attempt.

I'll try & not be as much of a recluse by keeping in closer contact with you all.

Yours faithfully,
Wordsworth Model Railway Free Downloadable Card Kits can be found at here
The Wordsworth Model Railway Photo Album
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