Presentation via Hornby Magazine. Those coaches look very close coupled but seem to get round the layout with no issues.
New class 47 in OO
Re: New class 47 in OO
Those are earlier production Bachmann mk1s, (immediately recognisable by the gross roof ribs) and coupled using a 'rigid bar' type coupler (Hornby's R8220 works a treat on these particular vehicles) they'll go round any curve radius the individual coaches will go around, including R1.
All my Bachmann and Hornby coaches supplied with close coupling mechanisms are coupled this way (mostly using the Roco and Hornby rigid bar couplers, now trialling magnetic types) and the effect is very good.
It's a weird thing, both Bach and Hornby introduced these close coupling mechanisms over 20 years ago, and never once produced any advice on how to get the best from them:
1. Remove the tension lock coupler, it is totally unsuited to these mechanisms.
2. Ensure the mechanism works smoothly side to side, a little powdered graphite is a good lubricant.
3. Use a coupler which connects the NEM pockets by a rigid bar when coupled up.
4. Enjoy.
Re: New class 47 in OO
TMC doing a flash sale of Heljan Class 47, Network SouthEast, sound fitted, 40% off RRP for £209.97. Saleon until midnight, 13 September (oruntil sold out?). ... HVR,OLUS,1 ... HVR,OLUS,1