50% price reduction

Discussion of large gauge model railway specific products and related model railway topics (problems and solutions). (1 gauge, O gauge, S gauge etc)
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50% price reduction

Post by inoffapost »

I'm not modelling in O gauge myself but whilst browsing for deals on my main German supplier I noticed these and some other offers on O gauge locos with what appear to be some impressive price reductions. Of course, despatch costs and import taxes might need to be factored in, but even so, these might be of interest to somebody.

They also have a number of Dapol Steam locomotives on offer with 34% price reductions.
Availability is limited as the website is only showing 1 or 2 models of each.

I've dealt with Modellbahn Union massively over the last few years. Incredibly reliable and excellent service.

Opera Snapshot_2023-12-05_152642_www.modellbahnunion.com.png
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