Bachmann V1

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Bachmann V1

Post by Buelligan »

Has anyone here got a Bachmann V1 or has seen/handled one and could make comment on it?
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Bigmet »

Me of course, both as originally released in the 1990s on a split chassis mechanism, and the current model on a regular solid chassis block with steel axled wheelsets and wiper pick up.

The body and exterior parts - with the exception of the driven wheelsets which are much better - are externally the same in appearance as the original split chassis release, and not as refined as more recent releases. Put it between the 1970s Airfix GMR N2 tooling and the 2010 Hornby L1, and you can clearly see the stages of progress in RTR OO steam loco bodies. There's a slghtly incorrect rendering of the cab side, some mould lines which can be tidied up and some overly heavy moulded detail; also the glazing is very old style and deeply recessed, but also easily accessed for replacement if an an owner wants to improve it, because the entire bunker and rear cab spectacle plate can be detached from the footplate.

The current mechanism is to Bachmann's usual standard, runs smoothly, trouble free on track in my experience and heavy enough for a realistic load; access to the Next18 decoder socket by just one screw to release the body.

(The split chassis mechanism was one of the better examples for decent running and longevity, I used one to make a K3 before the Bachmann model was available, and it still runs on a friend's layout. But I wouldn't recommend it as a s/h purchase: over 20 years from manufacture, and no way of knowing if it has been gently handled or had a hard life: and prone to all the usual problems of plating wearing through and the plastic mechanism parts cracking and swelling, causing failure. The Mabuchi FK130 can motor though is solid, appears to go on 'forever'.)
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Buelligan »

Thanks, I had a feeling you may have had experience with this one. Is there a loco you haven’t had/tested?!

It would be the new release that I get, not the old split chassis version. However purchase has been delayed as TMC sent an email through with Hornby A1 ‘Doncaster’ on sale for 50% off, bringing it down to £126 brand new. So I bought one of those. However my wife saw me looking at locos and said to send her links to the ones I liked, as she likes to get my birthday and Christmas presents sorted early, so the V1 was the 1st one I sent her, along with a B1, and the G5.

I don’t think I’ve seen a V1 before now, but it’s a nice looking loco, and I’m trying to get more tank engines, as most of my locos are tender engines, and most of those are A4’s!
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Bigmet »

There's a very useful choice in suitable LNER group tank engines now, that would have been regularly seen on the LNER and BR(ER, NER, ScR) routes the A4s operated on. Of what is current the A5, G5, J50, J72, L1 and N7 are the cream of the crop, J94, N2, V1 and V3 can use a little work but are basically right, and the less said about the J52 and J83 the better as these are redolent of 'ye olde Margateness'. (It's the NBR section of the route that lacks a 'current standard' model as things stand.) And I have all of them except the J83, but the J52 is much modified to take the Bach 57xx mechanism which has the correct wheelbase. (Swindon having taken up Crewe's standard dimensions when scrapping Brunel's Broadest Blundering.)
Buelligan wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:53 am ... Is there a loco you haven’t had/tested?! ...
A very large number!

Now, back in the day... When the first of Bachmann's, and then Hornby's, and then Heljan's, 'superior models produced in China' emerged, beginning from about 1997 with Bachmann, the other two brands following; when I started in earnest in 1999, between my own LNER/ER focussed purchases and those of friends, I was able to try out practically every newly tooled traction item that was introduced in RTR OO.

So that lasted four years, and then came the flood tide of newly tooled models frpom 2004 onward! That rapidly imposed limits on how many new introductions I could look at, and this continues to be the case to present.
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Buelligan »

Being a relative new-comer to the hobby I haven't experienced a lack of models I want, more a lack of funds to purchase all the ones I want. Aside from the A4's, I've got a V2, A5, J72, J36, A1, K1 (or K3, I can't remember, I had both and sold one), W1 (disappointing model). I want to add a B1, G5, V1, P2 and J94, and had one of the streamlined B17's on order at the moment, and then I think I'll be done. Well, done for range of locos, but I'd ideally like an A4 of every original named loco.
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Bigmet »

Buelligan wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:30 pm ...then I think I'll be done...
You are significantly short of an LNER heavy freight type, choice of pre group designs: ex-GCR O4, ex-GNR O2, ex NER Q6; and then 1940s designs the LNER Thompson O1 and the Riddles 'austerity' or 'WD' O7. All 2-8-0, except the Q6 which is an 0-8-0. The haulage champion is the very heavy O2 from Heljan; slightly less haulage capacity but of better design, construction and overall execution of detail the Hornby O1, which puts it just ahead of the other 3. Enough of the temptation? (And I do have all of these and can vouch for them as good models.)
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Dad-1 »

I always fancied a Q6, but now I've given up on large layouts no point.

Geoff T.
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Buelligan »

That's where my way of deciding what to buy upsets people... I have to like the look of the loco, rather than a realistic mix of classes, and the 0-8-0's and 2-8-0's just don't appeal to me aesthetically, too many wheels and too small. The NER Q6 looking particularly odd to me, with the amount of overhang at the front, looks like someone has stolen the bogie (sp? bogey?) Plus I'm more interested passenger trains, with the odd small loco with a few trucks trundling along.
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Bigmet »

'Bogie' in the railway context.

This is a hobby, there are no rules other than your personal enjoyment. (There is a big wheel eight coupled option in the LNER group, the P2. Far too much power for the small wagons then usual to efficiently work freight, other than a heavy fully brake fitted 75mph service such as the North Sea fish landings up to London, which were usually worked by the pacifics and V2s. Sobering to think that current UK rail freight has not accelerated since.)
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Buelligan »

The P2 is on my list of future purchases, but not in any particular rush for it. I'll need a much larger railway before getting one of those with anything like a realistic rake of freight. I'm still hoping to extend the shed layout, out into the garden at some point, but also considering getting rid of the current shed and getting something more permanent and bigger.
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Buelligan »

Bigmet wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:16 am 'Bogie' in the railway context.
Sorry to quote you for what is an essentially pointless post, but it made me smile. Having had this little discussion about LNER heavy freight and my reasons for not liking 2-8-0's and 0-8-0's:
Buelligan wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 10:58 pm The NER Q6 looking particularly odd to me, with the amount of overhang at the front, looks like someone has stolen the bogie.
We were on holiday a couple of weeks ago, in a little book shop in Mevagissey, and I was looking at a selection of little old railway books (Locollection, Titans of the track, Locomotion), and my wife looks over my shoulder and asks what's happened to a loco in the photo, 'it looks like some wheels have fallen off'. I can't remember exactly which it was, but I've got a feeling it was the Q6, if not it was definitely at least an 8 coupled wheel freight loco.
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Bigmet »

The UK 0-8-0 was quite rapidly superseded by the 2-8-0, for its greater track kindliness, particularly as running speed increased. The LNER's collection of 0-8-0 classes were rapidly reduced after grouping because of the availability of war surplus ROD 2-8-0, which along with the GCR's own 2-8-0s became LNER O4, which were then extensively developed; until history repeated itself and war surplus WD 2-8-0, LNER O7 were purchased at the end of the LNER's existence.

The former NER coalfield traffic however didn't need speed from its heavy goods classes and there the longest lived 0-8-0's lurked. Here's a survey, you might be able to make an identification:
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Bigmet »

Buelligan wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 5:52 pm The P2 is on my list of future purchases, but not in any particular rush for it...
The new streamlined version is a beauty in all respects, looks well and performs like Hercules. Sadly, was confiscated by someone who needs to wrap things so that I can have a surprise at Christmas. I did attempt to substitute a pullover instead, but NO!
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Bigmet »

Back on the current V1/V3, I have selected mine to lose its Next18 decoder, as it has bags of space for a wired HO size decoder in the bunker and a very simple and accessible wiring layout. Predictably, runs just as sweetly on a Lenz Standard. (I'm planning the same on a few other models with Next18s as the price of these decoders has risen sharply; they will only stay put where internal space is truly lacking.)
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Re: Bachmann V1

Post by Buelligan »

I got one of these for Christmas, only run it in on the rolling road so far, but its lovely, smooth and quiet. I'll have to order a decoder for it next month, but which time the track should be back in action and I can give it a proper test.
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