Cleaning Brass...

Have any questions or tips and advice on how to build those bits that don't come ready made.
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Cleaning Brass...

Post by Richard08 »

I've been building an MMP 16T mineral kit, and very nice it is too. Only I got the sole bars mixed up. Oops. Strip out the solebars and try again (there may have been Language). Having got everything cleaned up and ready to rebuild I had another stroke of genius and left the bits soaking in Cillit Bang for several hours instead of coupe of minutes. Beautifully copper plated! Cleaned up again. Putting it back together was a little stressful with restricted access and so on, but at last - back to where I was. Then hours of polishing with assorted fibreglass things - you can imagine the mess. Some of the places, around where the buffers go etc, were pretty much inaccessible. This is probably a granny/egg thing, but this time my bright idea actually worked - you cab 'stuff' it into small nooks and crannies , and if it tries to 'escape' just go to reverse. Here's the thing nearly polished... Well it makes me happy.
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