
Discuss Hornby Model Railway products and related topics here. This includes (Lima, Rivarossi, Jouef, Electrotren and Oxford Rail).
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Post by rejrob »

Just a little addition to my other bla bla bla In one of my excess train box in the loft were 2 triang L1 4-4-0,s My kids 40 to 50 years ago called them Fasties because despite being on the lowest control output they would travel at about 900 mph hence the name.Some while go i decided to update one, firstly using markets wheels and axles specifically for triangle locos.The body had the plastic moulded pipes removed and suitable wire ones fitted as replacements.During the past year i decided to replace the triangle motor with DJH A9 motor and gearbox ,which i have used before and find them extremely good.Part of the steel chassis was cut off to accommodate the new setup and after desoldering the wiring I gave it a go ,just fab.Repaited and lined as 31754 and the second one was also completed as 31784 Glazed cabs and as the tenders were nowhere near their true ID 2 bachmann ashford tenders as on the N class were used and look great.All i have to do now is get a few hasting gauge maunsell coach kits from Roxey mouldings and job done All the best Ron Robinson
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Location: Dorset UK

Re: reinvented

Post by 21C1 »

Hi Ron that sounds a good job. Have you any photos you can show us?
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Re: reinvented

Post by Bigmet »

The T-H L1 was always a well liked model, because whatever minor dimensional deviations were present the loco still 'had it' as a representation of Maunsell's very neat design (or perhaps that should be redesign). Good choice for the upgrade you describe, as Hornby have shown no signs of an all new model of this class.
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Re: reinvented

Post by Bigmet »

I knew there was a thread on another site which showed the potential the L1 model offers, and I hope Ron doesn't mind me gatecrashing the thread with this link. ... 53585&st=0
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Re: reinvented

Post by rejrob »

hi all: having followed the link all i can say is What a lovely job.Purist *collectors* possibly would not care for our changes to our own locos but never mind ,we like it and whereas modern day models have all the embellishments added to the loco in the times of yore ,when `Triang also made pull along horses hehe any add-on was a part of the moulding.Not any more???? Cheers Ron
Posts: 10272
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Re: reinvented

Post by Bigmet »

Collectors can think what they like, they should be grateful for those who push up the rarity value by actually using and modifying models. There isn't a RTR model on my layout that hasn't been fiddled with in some way, even if it is as minor as a coupler modification or replacement, and if the 'working filth' application is in arrears, it will happen eventually. Most modellers I have known do likewise.

When it comes to 'moulded on' or 'cast in' detail on current productions; between good choices of what to use the technique for, and the refinement now possible, in the past five years new introductions that I have seen it is done so well as to be indistinguishable from separately applied detail.
Posts: 343
Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:46 pm

Re: reinvented

Post by rejrob »

Hi to all my fellow un puristshehe.Not a great time at the moment, firstly memsaab is not well although coping ,just, with a large hiatus hernia which is filling her chest cavity Hardly eats enough too keep a sprat alive and is waiting for a surgeon appointment to see her options but suffice to say it has severely restricted everything she does and she is a goodun,bless her and she has looked after me for nearly 55 years??? The hastings unit 213 is finished and the 2 Pullmans ,theodora and Latona placed either side of the 1st class carriage Not been working the layout recently with heat and no ventilation and also deciding what new mower to get (With a rear roller) My 30 year old Hayter harrier 41 has a cover like a pepper pot and plants more weeds than the rest of the close put together?? I think an atco 16SH liner will be next and if it lasts 30 years they can put it on my coffin!!!.I,ve nearly finished the first of set 453 to be finished in red and white, okay, blood and custard .No hornby parts just Roxey coach kits low window set.Even at this late stage of modelling things change.1st solder window frames and drill out 0.5mm for the coach handles;Bend the top and bottom of the etch; drill out 0.5 mm the handle holes in the coaches; form the coach ends and solder these four main parts together.I have the bottom incurved etch of each coach side under the inner facing part of the end etch as this is the part i glue to the chassis.I don,t solder the chassis and body together, basically cos my hands are not stable enough.Thats the stage I'm at and the coach is primered.The roof is also fitted (soldered this time??)and vents added with water tanks and pipes.Coach end steps also soldered on.I am masking off the coach sides so only the white area is visible and to prevent white internally a piece of kitchen towel is shoved inside the coachAge is greatly forgot that before using the white the brown (wood) is painted inside.Having done the white the intention is to mask off the white and paint the red.Both colours are phoenix spray cans which should help.All being well the handles will be fitted and glazing put in and the body glued to the chassis.Just three more coaches to go after this one .Isn,t life fun????? Picci,s somehow will follow All the best Ron
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