Modern image TMD layout

Any questions about designing a model railway layout or problems with track work.
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Modern image TMD layout

Post by EddScott »

I've been working on a 00 gauge modern image layout design for a while now.


Although I'd like a round the room layout and have plans for this in the future, I want to make sure I can commit to building a layout in the first place. I had to abandon my last layout after a house move and haven't really had the time or inclination to restart until now.

I've designed the layout with the view that it can be split in two and stored when not in use.

My only thought to the current design is that it doesn't leave alot of room for scenery. However, the idea of this layout is to be able to get my locos out rather than they sit in a cupboard not doing anything. Also, although I've avoided having points across the middle, some lines will be cut at an angle so concerned over running issues.
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Re: Modern image TMD layout

Post by TimberSurf »

EddScott wrote: Also, although I've avoided having points across the middle, some lines will be cut at an angle so concerned over running issues.
You just have to treat it like an exhibition style layout. Fit location dowels/pins so the two boards marry up accurately every time. Terminate the track at the join edge with copper clad sleepers replacing the plastic ones for first one or two, solder the track to copper and fix (glue/screw) to baseboard. This leaves no mechanical (read electrical) connection, so you must power the track on both boards or to one and have a connector to the second)
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Re: Modern image TMD layout

Post by Mountain »

I dont see a big issue crossing baseboard joins at angles though here are my thoughts. I soldered the rail ends to wide PCB home cut sleepers. I drilled them to accept track pins (Hornby as I had loads of them) and also I glued the sleepers just to make sure. The track was then carefully cut with a track cutting disc across the join.
Though I've not wired the layout yet, I've had no issues apart from the last time I put the layout up. The rail heights caused an issue as there has been some movement (Settling) of the boards in this dry weather, so I'm going to turn to plan B.
I'm now planning to make short sections of track to bridge across the join and assemble them in the sectional track way when the layout is erected. This is to make sure that any future movement won't be an issue. I plan to glue a thin layer of plasticard to the underside of the track so that I can add some ballast.
Myntwo boards join using the split hinge method.
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Re: Modern image TMD layout

Post by ElDavo »

Should be no problem with rail alignment as long as you use decent baseboard assignment dowels. The cheaper bullet shaped jobs are good enough. You might want to think about where you have the loco wash. Probably don't want it on the headshunt/neck as every move send to need a move through it.

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