Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

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Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Boys & Girls,

Anyone following the Wordsworth thread will have seen & come across my free offerings, it's time I thought they had a place of their own in a new thread just in case not everyone had seen them

These are very basic kits & I designed them as board fillers to use on my own layout. Each kit takes no time at all to make so you can make lots in such a small time scale. Later these kits can then be replaced with more interesting kits from the better well known suppliers, kits from Scalescene, or Metcalfe & Super Quick spring to mind.

Basically you down load from my web site (Sorry I take you via my main web space to get there) a .rar file, inside when you open this file you will find a PDF document. Run this PDF doc and print onto normal A4 paper using your colour printer (Scaling turned OFF) I use a Brother DCP-540CN as a full set of generic ink costs approx £6.

Let the pages dry and follow the basic instructions I've put together. The idea is that you use something like a Jumbo Pritt Stick on the reverse side of the printed paper & then glue them onto either some card that you have bought, our recycled say corn flakes packaging.

On the subject of card you can get good supplies from "The Range" at £1.99 per sheet which is approx 1mm thick, or "Hobbycraft" sell 2mm grey card for £1.59 per sheet.

Each kit is ideal for 00 gauge models & will only cost you for the supplies you use as I supply these FREE of charge. The only thing I ask if you do find a use for them is you let me know & maybe some photos showing them on your layout would be nice.

Please bear in mind these are very basic in design & must not be compared with the better purchased kits that are available

I've not got round too up-loading all the kits I've designed & used to date on Wordsworth, but there are now four kits ready for you to have fun with. To date you'll find two small house kits, a water tower kit & the latest I've just up-loaded is a Signal box.

I've not included any photo's here because it would just duplicate what is available to view within my model railway thread "Wordsworth"

So following the below link will take you to the FREE kits.


Then use the button bar on the left to reach Wordsworth Model Railway.

Thank you.

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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by guinnesskid »

Don't suppose you are thinking of doing any n gauge/scale? :)
I'm thinking of becoming an alcoholic - It's cheaper than N gauging and not quite as taxing on my brain.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by slackbladder »

Great stuff there Mike. I will be giving that a go soon. :wink:
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by SRman »

Thanks for these, Mike.

Guinnesskid: since you print them yourself, all you have to do is alter the scale you print them at. Since these are 4mm scale, printing at approximately 50% size will give you something suitable for N. 75% will give TT. Multiply by around 1.75 and you get O. Others can easily be worked out.

The scale for printing is usually set in the print dialogue.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Stewart Gethin »

Hey mike, just downloaded and printed your house kit, the first one on your list.
I will have a crack at it after food.(I have got my priorities right in life [Ish])
I'll probably post a couple of pictures up, but i'm not the best at even simplest kit building.

Thanks again for these kits.

Here be those pictures.


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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Stew,

Photo's of the finished kit doesn't look as bad as you feared, I hope you found putting it together straight forward. Nice to know other modellers have found a use for them.

I've just finished the Tudor House kit, this is slightly wider that the small house, it can be built with either a single chimney stack or double. This kit is built just as the others.

So for anyone interested it's now ready for you to download using the normal link provided at the start of this thread. I'll get another one up soon with a different brick type.

Have fun.

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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Stewart Gethin »

Thanks mike.

Might try these on the Xmas holidays, don't think i'll have much time with my layout till then.

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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by markh »

were about did you get the guiness sigh that is classic

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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Troop,

Just a quick reply to the below question
madmack wrote:were about did you get the guiness sigh that is classic
At times I can be quite a sad person, when not in the modelling mood I do a lot of internet trawlling searching for ideas & anything that can be used on the layout. Anything of interest is then downloaded & just cut / resize to be used & printed as I like. Just try and avoid copy right material which is hard when it comes to adverts & billboards.

Shortly I will put a collection into a RAR / ZIP file format from the many images I've found & gathered together & then place on my web site. All that you will then need to do is drop them into your favourite word prossesor / imaging software then print them.

Hope this answers you question.

But today is track work day on Wordsworth, so it's finish the morning cuppa & of to the loft I go.

Keep Modelling........ :D

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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Boys & Girls,

Just completed the upload of just over 100 Jpeg/Gif images inside one RAR file, these can be resized & used for posters on your model railway.

Usual link if you require a copy.

Have fun.

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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Bufferstop »

Well done Mike. A great resource.
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Hi modellers,

Just completed the next kit in this free series, this time a very simple shop. It's based on the same theme as the other kits so not much more too say.

Therefore as usual just follow the link at the beginning of this thread.

I hope someone will find a use for this latest kit.


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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Hi again,

It's a long time since I did anything within my kit range, not too sure if they are helping anyone but I feel if just one person gets a use from these to get them started it's worth while.

I've just added a shop front update pack, the idea being you can now cut out new doors, window frames & some new shop signs, these are simply glued over the orginal printed item. Just a little piece so you can customize your buildings & have them looking slightly different to the one next door.

The kits are still compressed in .rar format so you'll need a program that can read this, you can use WinRar or Zip Gensius, also the file inside is PDF so you'll need a program like Adobe, all are free items found on the internet.

Anyway just follow the link at the start of this thread should get you to where you need to go.

Happy modelling.

Thank you.

Wordsworth Model Railway Free Downloadable Card Kits can be found at here
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by Stewart Gethin »

Hi Mike, I for one get use out of your card kits. As I Find these a heck of a lot easier to do than scalescenes ones, (I suppose It depends what kit you select) I've got a scalescenes small goods shed(the freebie one) and It's been sitting half made for a while as I've not been bothered to complete it as there are so many different bits to it. Perhaps thats just me. But the simplicity of these kits make it for me.

Great work on them.


P.s. It's the easter holidays, so if I remember I will put one of these kits together, and put some pics up. ;)

Edit: Just checked out your website, like the new layout/design of it. ;)
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Re: Wordsworth Card Kits - FREE downloads

Post by mikem64 »

Hi Troop,

Like a bad smell that just won't go away I'm here again...... :D

Thanks Stew for the reply, so with that in mind this morning I completed the finishing touch's to the next kit in the range for all you keen modellers out there.

Based on the same basic model as the others but by adding another floor level giving a slightly taller building than the standard house / shop kit. I've made this version into a mock pub, this just gives another building you can now add to the village / town scene that is being created.

I'm sure any one building this kit & is not happy with the name can quite easily print off a replacement using the PC, as an after thought maybe I should have put a few different ones in the kit, idea for version 2 shall we say..... :wink:

I've just one more design nearing completion that is based on the pub look but is a three storey house, I hope to have that one done & uploaded within the next day or so.

Now I've done all the waffle & blah blah, following the link at the beginning of this thread & feel free to download latest offering in the Wordsworth Range.

Wordsworth Model Railway Free Downloadable Card Kits can be found at here
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