Point Wiring for DCC

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Re: Point Wiring for DCC

Post by davejb »

I'm editing my original post again,
as I have more info - I no longer need help, but I'm posting this to save the next guy a bit of angst...I hope! Bits in bold are comments, normal type comes from my original post

PL-13's on Peco motors, code 75 medium electrofrog points, the two small bits of wire on the underside have been snipped... and I've spent half my life on Brian Lamberts site, the rest looking at Silver Surfer's photos.... two main questions that I'd appreciate help on:

1) PL-13 has a pair of contacts on one side, a single contact on the other. I'm wiring the wire prefitted to the points to that single contact - which I assume is the 'common' contact on the PL-13, does the branching line stock rail always connect to the outer of the two PL-13 paired contacts and the "straight on" stock rail to the inner of the two contacts? (For example does this hold for when using facing points to make a crossover).

I asked this because no matter how I connected the tracks to the PL-13, I could never find a combination where I didn't hear a 'buzzing' from my test 0-6-0 loco when it ran straight or changed tracks... I took this to indicate a polarity conflict between tracks, although my Powercab's SB3a booster didn't flash the LED to indicate a short etc.

I have now found a lot of info on the internet, that confirms what I'd worked out the hard way last night - the PL-13/Pl-10 combo is at best a pain in the butt, requires excessive alignment accuracy (most model railway geeks are 50+ with shaky hands and fading eyesight) and doesn't **** well work worth a ****. So if you want to go live frog and do the extra wiring, buy tortoise or cobalt point motors fromt he get go, as PL-10/PL-13 is a royal pain to tweak, Yes, somebody outthere managed it, but a good look round the Internet will show a lot of folk who haven't...the PL-13 hardly moves when a code 75 point switches, so it sits set to one road and - basically - doesn't react to point switching...which makes it (excuse the pun) a fairly pointless device.

2) On the Peco instructions the PL-13 connects to the toe end of the points, ie to the stock rails, and that's it. Everyone else seems to suggest wiring each stock/blade rail pair together, then connecting the wire from each pair to the PL-13...why the difference?

Easier yet - the thread opener posted a link to an online PDF from Peco reagrding wiring points that is clearly an update to the old, out of date leaflet included in their points.. that generic 'wire everything up like this' leaflet that leaves out exactly what you need to know. BAD PECO! No, if you have wiring issues, go to the OP post and download the PDF!
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