Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

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Wordsworth - 00 Loft Layout

Post by mikem64 »

I've been viewing the forums for sometime now but I've been a little bit to scared to post anything about my layout, I've seen the standard and I'm not sure if my attempt will match or come anywhere near to these. I then started to think if we all did what I'm doing then there would be nothing to read, so with this in mind I've built up enough courage to have a go at show and tell.....

The layout I'm building is called Wordsworth, it's not based on any real area or real period in time, but will include locomotives from the LNER period into the BR Green era, there is a good chance of others making a small appearance on the layout. I say this as I will basically run anything that I find I really like, this I know will upset the die hard's out there, but it's my escape from the real world, which in this present climate I think we all need.

The layout is being built in the loft and is approx 10' x 10' with an operators well in the center ( A good old fashioned tail chaser ) I must state now that this is going to be a long drawn out project as I don't get that much time to work on it so I hope this is not going to offend anyone.

I could have made the base board larger but I've opted to use the remaining space for my modelling work table and a little area for storage (the wife insisted on this)

I've put together a few pictures showing the start of this project to the point where I'm at now. I do hope I've mastered putting the pictures to this forum as this is as new to me as is the building of the layout.

This is the loft being converted
Here we see the New Roof windows installed and the Kingspan insulation being installed
Here we see the Plasterboard going on
The first battens go up to support the base board
The South base board goes in
Now the West base board
Here we see the North & East boards go up

I know this is not very interesting but some of you may enjoy these early photos. The layout has actually moved forward a little further than these pictures show, it's just I haven't got round to uploading the new images yet, but I've basically got the double loop for the main line down, and I've got the branch line down. The Heljan turntable is fitted (only as a temp fitting just to get a feel of the layout) and I've loose laid the remaining track sections just so I can see the desired effect.

The Main line and Branch line have been powered up and a locomtive has been test run to check for any issues, so far no derailments so I assume I must be doing something correct.
Last edited by mikem64 on Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:09 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by bigbob »

Cracking start Mike i`ll give you that!

Couple of things......
Not too many rivet counters on here so as it`s your layout you run on it whatever you like and whatever takes your fancy.
There are some jaw dropping layouts on here but, don`t be intimidated by them, admire them and ask questions to get ideas, thats what this place is really good at!
I, like so many here are on our first ventures into this hobby, stick around and you will learn so much and before long you`ll be the one answering questions from other newcomers.
Don`t be afraid to ask questions but at the same time use the search button!

Above all enjoy it, it`s a relaxing hobby and once you get started you will be hooked :D

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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by DrStroganoff »

The baseboard construction looks fantastic. Nice sized area to play with too.... Any thoughts on a track plan yet?

I'm gonna stay tuned to this one ! :) Good luck with the layout !
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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by Dad-1 »

Oh My, Oh My, it looks like we have someone who is real good at building - wish he lived nearer me, my woodwork is so rough, I don't even have a spirit level !!

If the same care and precision goes into the layout tracks you'll have a real good un in there !! Looking forward to future developments and pictures - we live by pictures on this site !

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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by Sprintex »

The one bit of advice I'd give is . . . . .

. . . . . stop being so damn apologetic, take as long as you want, and stop putting yourself and your skills down!! (OK, that's three pieces) :lol:

Nice space you have there and a good bit of wood-knocking to start off with. Can't wait to see the trackplan take shape, and as for the stock you eventually run on it you can adopt the IBISI-RAIL principle - I Built It So I Run Anything I Like :wink:

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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by SouthernBoy »

Hello mikem64,

judging by those photos you've got absolutely nothing to worry about. You've obviously put quite some thought, preparation and craftsmanship into the work we can see so far :)
I noticed in the last picture the framework centre right appears to be lower than the rest - is this for scenic reasons, like a river and viaduct of something ?

As already mentioned, a track plan would be nice.
I'm guessing this is 00 ?

Anyway, good luck - you're off to a promising start :)
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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by Black-Marlin »

Man, this looks great. And you seem to be a modeller after my own heart:
mikem64 wrote:...it's not based on any real area or real period in time, but will include locomotives from the LNER period into the BR Green era, there is a good chance of others making a small appearance on the layout. I say this as I will basically run anything that I find I really like
I do this too! Even down to the emphasis on LNER!
mikem64 wrote:The layout is being built in the loft and is approx 10' x 10' with an operators well in the center ( A good old fashioned tail chaser ) I must state now that this is going to be a long drawn out project as I don't get that much time to work on it so I hope this is not going to offend anyone.
I understand completely. My layout is also loft-based, a 10'x16' tailchaser with an operator's well, and I get the opportunity to work on it maybe 6 times a year :?
mikem64 wrote:I could have made the base board larger but I've opted to use the remaining space for my modelling work table and a little area for storage
And this, too, is a compromise I have, although in my case it is forced upon me by my parents, in whose loft the layout lives, rather than by a partner.

So I will be very interested in watching this come on: from what I've seen already you look to be doing extremely well. Certainly you've made fewer mistakes than I did!

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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by mikem64 »

Well what can I say, reading all your comments has given me such a big boost so thank you.

I've got up early today as the wife is at work and I find this impulse to get into the loft whilst no one is at home, but before I do I need to upload the latest photos as I stated in the start of this thread. This will show the point where I am now.

The layout is OO which is a shame because N would have been a better layout on this size board, but my daugthers boyfriend is a real N gauge nut and he brought round some model wagons / coaches and an LMS locomotive. There would be no way my chubby fingers could handle these tiny things, and then the thought of the building kit houses etc etc in this size, therefore I'm sticking to OO gauge.

The plan, yes the plan.... well I did design one using Winrail and it would have been easy for me to take a screen shot and post it up, but like so many things in my life right now I've just had to re-install the computers operating system after an update went completely wrong, therefore before I thought about making a backup I had already started the install, so my design has gone. As luck would have it I did print a copy off which I'm using at the moment so I'll see if I can take a scanned copy and get it into this post for everyone to see. I know how important this is as I like to see other peoples ideas too and the watch as their layout goes forward and evolves into something better than the original idea.

The Bridge baseboard Idea came from another layout on this forum Starlingford (Which I find just 100% stunning in every detail and now that I feel like I know what I'm doing within this forum area I MUST start to leave posts in all the other threads I'm reading as without them I don't think I'd be where I am now with my own design) and as I was trying to say this helped solve the problem on putting bridges into a layout when you have trouble thinking in 3D like I do, therefore drop the baseboard and the bridges just drop in, a super idea.

Now for those Photo's

This is my work station, where all the creative thinking takes place and the kit building is done, a Metcalfe kit is under construction.

This view shows the Turntable into Wordsworth shed, Wordsworth Goods yard and Wordsworth Station (Left baseboard)

This is my attempt at scratch building a Sand House and a Water Tower using card, and in the distance you can see where South Fangore Station will be built.

This is going to be North Fangore Station and Goods yard, the tunnel portal is a download from Scalescene (Great kits) & the goods shed is Metcalfe (Love these kits too) You will find I have a fettish for card kits, one of the main reasons is my painting skills are very poor indeed, but my card building is quite good, so for now I'm opting to take the easy way forward

Here is the lowered baseboard with the Bridges in place... Not quite how it was on my plan or how I had seen it in my head but I had too make adjustments to where the bridges got placed because I have a dirty great big roof support in the way.

Also this board is one that is giving me a few problems, mainly because I have too many ideas for what I want to do in this little area. I have this idea for a canal scene with lock gates, I have another for a lake area with a water wheel / mill house and weeping willow trees, another with a river scene and some country cottage style houses, but jumping the gun as I still have a long way too go before I even get too this stage.

So there we are, not sure what the plan for today is. I still have the remaining track work to put down, another 18 seep point motors to install, the truntable to be powered up and test, etc etc etc.... should be done for lunch time then ?
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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by Lewis Nash »


a sound baseboard which will become a sound layout :)
very well built baseboard and the suspension bridge is not usually used on this forum,nice feature,all that space to design a track plan! :shock:

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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by Black-Marlin »

mikem64 wrote: The Bridge baseboard Idea came from another layout on this forum Starlingford (Which I find just 100% stunning in every detail and now that I feel like I know what I'm doing within this forum area I MUST start to leave posts in all the other threads I'm reading as without them I don't think I'd be where I am now with my own design) and as I was trying to say this helped solve the problem on putting bridges into a layout when you have trouble thinking in 3D like I do, therefore drop the baseboard and the bridges just drop in, a super idea.
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Thank you! Although I'm all embarrassed now at such fulsome praise, so let's quickly move on to save my blushes.
mikem64 wrote: Image

Also this board is one that is giving me a few problems, mainly because I have too many ideas for what I want to do in this little area. I have this idea for a canal scene with lock gates, I have another for a lake area with a water wheel / mill house and weeping willow trees, another with a river scene and some country cottage style houses, but jumping the gun as I still have a long way too go before I even get too this stage.

So there we are, not sure what the plan for today is. I still have the remaining track work to put down, another 18 seep point motors to install, the truntable to be powered up and test, etc etc etc.... should be done for lunch time then ?
This seems to me to have the potential for being a really interesting scenic development. If it were me, I would combine several of these ideas, because they can be combined, and in such a way as to save you a potential headache...

I would have the canal lock scene, with a waterwheel as well, and with cottages and weeping willows. I'll tell you the 'why' first, and then - because the 'why isn't very helpful by itself, my thoughts on the 'how' you could do it.

I would do it because you have the potential here for a split-level baseboard. The upper level (on which you could have your cottages and canalside buildings - as I recall, the Hornby Skaledale canal stores building looks lovely) could extend at least as far as the suspension bridge. Doing this will save you all the hassle of trying to construct matching extended supports for your suspension bridge, which will, I know from experience, save you a considerable amount of time and effort. From the edge of that baseboard back to the required length you can cut a slot into which you can simply drop either a ready-made lock, like the Skaledale one, or build one yourself - I think, though I'm not sure, that Wills might manufacture the components. Incidentally, by having a baseboard that can be so readily carved up, you can easily make a channel 15mm deep for your canal. Now, from that upper-level canal you can cut a further groove, but this one should be narrower, joining up to the canal but angling away from the lock, and the channel you construct beneath it should be on a slope. This will lead to your watermill, which, like the lock, will also be on the edge of your upper baseboard - the change in height gives you exactly the landscape scenario you need for the water wheel. There is a kit available for a water mill and water wheel, made by Wills, but a word of warning - it's in their 'craftsman' range, which is halfway between scratchbuilding and kitbuilding (they give you the materials, and the plans for the buildings you need, but you have to cut out the pieces you need to construct it). As far as other scenic things for this area go, Metcalfe make very nice cottages (as I'm sure you know), and in my experience the best willow trees are made by Gaugemaster. If you like I can send you a link.

One more point about the 'split-level baseboard'. Although I think it would be very interesting and unusual visually, I would have it with the lower level towards the operating well - it will make it easier for the viewer to see what there is to be seen! However, I realise that this would entail chopping and changing your viaduct so that it isn't as tall. If it is made of cardboard this should be relatively easy, but I appreciate it would be a pain if you've already gone to a lot of trouble building it! As always, it's your railway, so do what you like.

Aside from that, you're clearly more electrically adventurous than me: I didn't motorise any of my points (something I regret in the case of my station throat!) and I have yet to lower the turntable into the baseboard. Oh well... Can I also say how intrigued I was to see your abbreviated suspension bridge? This is something I had always thought was possible (I had a discussion with Gareth [Dr Stroganoff] on his thread about this a while ago) but, to the best of my knowledge, I've never actually seen it done before. Great stuff!

Sorry for bending your ear for so long (and I didn't even get to the LNER rolling stock I saw in the background...) but I hope I gave you something to think about, if nothing else.

Thanks again for your kind comments,

PS I don't know how you feel about place names on layouts (stations, yards, scenic features etc) but these might be of interest: Cockermouth, Hawkshead, Alfoxton and Tintern. All are related in some form or another to the poet Wordsworth, so they would seem to have some form of connection!
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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by BR125 »

Great job so far fella,i'm looking forward to more updates and I hope to pick up ideas for my own layout! :D

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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by mikem64 »

Sorry about the delay in getting this Track plan posted, just got side tracked (Pardon the pun), so here it is.


Might as well give this little update, got half the valley sides built on the bridge section, and then started work on the platforms for one of the stations (Bottom right hand one on the plan above), I need these platform sections as the hill side will be built round these and two tunnel portals will go in. One will be a double for the main line and one a single for the branch line, these lead to the bridge baseboard.

Some good news is it's my birthday today and I've just been presented some lovely birthday gifts for the layout.

Must dash as I've got to be somewhere else now.

I'll try and get some photo's showing the Valley side progress and the platform section later this evening.

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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by taytrain »

coming along nicely, will keep my eyes peeled for updates, good work so far
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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by Rammy »

Cracking start Mike. You don't hang about do you. I been 'starting' mine for about 2 years and not getting very far at all. :oops:
I do like loft layouts, although your loft seemed to suddenly turn into a room! What a difference a roof window makes too. I must think about getting one fitted. Are they expensive to get done?
Keep up the great work and I look forward to future updates.

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Re: Wordsworth Begins

Post by EddScott »

When you building the loft space, did you have any issues with insulation dust?

Cracking job by the way :)
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