To kick things off, at the moment I am working on upgrading some Intercity Mark 4 coaches (running numbers 12408 and 12410 I think from the 225 train set?). There are the ones with the black roofs and the silver lined windows and are a lot longer than their grey roofed counterparts.
So far I have taken them apart, added new Hornby R8069 12.6mm wheels (the ones that came on it were atrocious with some sort of hard green stuff on them?

Here's the original seating unit in it's glorious shocking pink

The coach in front has been painted, the coach behind is how the windows came originally. Just to note they are opposite ends of the same style coach. The method I used was to use a thickish black wash and pipette it onto the window surrounds on the front. It needed to be a thickish wash or otherwise the paint would not have stuck to the flat plastic.
As the windows sitck out it was easy enough to drip-run the paint on and then kind of scrape the paint into the vertical recesses with the end of the pipette. It has taken about 4 washes so far and it takes ages to dry but today I am onto the other sides of the coach which the first coat is nearly dry.
One thing to mention is to MAKE SURE each layer is properly dry before attempting the next as the end of the pipette easily scrapes of the previous wash coat.
I have been wracking my brains trying to work out how I will light these. The first 2 ideas fell flat but it may just be the case of something a little more drastic and permanent.